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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.

npm version Deno



This package exports common types and objects used in many other Rimbu packages.

Here is a brief overview:

Name Description
CollectFun types and values used in various collect methods in the collection.
Comp an interface and default implementations of comparison functions to order/sort values.
Eq an interface and default implementations of equality functions to check value equality
Err functions to easily create error throwing behavior as fallback values
FastIterable an Iterable implementation that can be more performant than usual iterables
IndexRange utilities to select index ranges in indexed collections
OptLazy a utility to provide values that can optionally be lazy
Range utility types to specify ranges for comparable types
Reducer an API to create reusable pieces of logic that process streams of data that can be processed in parallel
TraverseState a utility for loops to maintain the traversal state
Update a standard way to update a value

Other than these values, there are a number of utility types that are exported that are also used throughout the collection.

For complete documentation please visit the Rimbu Docs, or directly see the Rimbu Common API Docs.

Or Try Out Rimbu in CodeSandBox.



Yarn / NPM / Bun

For convenience, all main types are also exported through @rimbu/core.

To install this package only:

For yarn:

yarn add @rimbu/common

For npm:

npm i @rimbu/common

For bun:

bun add @rimbu/common


For Deno, the following approach is recommended:

In the root folder of your project, create or edit a file called import_map.json with the following contents (where you should replace x.y.z with the desired version of Rimbu):

  "imports": {
    "@rimbu/": ""

Note: The trailing slashes are important!

In this way you can use relative imports from Rimbu in your code, like so:

import { List } from '@rimbu/core/mod.ts';
import { HashMap } from '@rimbu/hashed/mod.ts';

Note that for sub-packages, due to conversion limitations it is needed to import the index.ts instead of mod.ts, like so:

import { HashMap } from '@rimbu/hashed/map/index.ts';

To run your script (let’s assume the entry point is in src/main.ts):

deno run --import-map import_map.json src/main.ts


import { Eq } from '@rimbu/common';

console.log(Eq.stringCaseInsentitive()('abc', 'AbC'));
// => true


Arvid Nicolaas


Feel very welcome to contribute to further improve Rimbu. Please read our Contributing guide.


Made with contributors-img.


Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2020-present Arvid Nicolaas.

See LICENSE for more information.