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import { includesValue } from "./includes_value.ts";import { assert, assertEquals } from "../testing/asserts.ts";
Deno.test("[collections/includesValue] Example", () => { const input = { first: 33, second: 34, }; const actual = includesValue(input, 34); assert(actual);});
Deno.test("[collections/includesValue] No mutation", () => { const input = { first: 33, second: 34, };
includesValue(input, 34);
assertEquals(input, { first: 33, second: 34, });});
Deno.test("[collections/includesValue] Empty input returns false", () => { const input = {};
const actual = includesValue(input, 44);
Deno.test("[collections/includesValue] Returns false when it doesn't include the value", () => { const input = { first: 33, second: 34, };
const actual = includesValue(input, 45);
Deno.test("[collections/includesValue] Non-enumerable properties", () => { // FAIL is expected, TODO: Figure out how to make it work on const input = {};
Object.defineProperty(input, "nep", { enumerable: false, value: 42, });
Object.defineProperty(input, "neptwo", { enumerable: false, value: "hello", });
Object.defineProperty(input, "nepthree", { enumerable: false, value: true, });
const actual1 = includesValue(input, 42); const actual2 = includesValue(input, "hello"); const actual3 = includesValue(input, true);
assert(!actual1); assert(!actual2); assert(!actual3);});
Deno.test("[collections/includesValue] Non-primitive values", () => { const input = { first: {}, };
const actual = includesValue(input, {});
Deno.test("[collections/includesValue] Same behaviour as naive impl", () => { const input = { first: 42, };
const includesValueResult = includesValue(input, 42); const naiveImplResult = Object.values(input).includes(42);
assertEquals(includesValueResult, naiveImplResult);});
Deno.test("[collections/includesValue] Works with NaN", () => { const input = { first: NaN, };
const actual = includesValue(input, NaN);
Deno.test("[collections/includesValue] prevent enumerable prototype check", () => { class Foo {} // @ts-ignore: for test Foo.prototype.a = "hello"; const input = new Foo() as Record<string, string>;
const actual = includesValue(input, "hello");