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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import * as denoGraph from "";const root = `${new URL("../node/module_all.ts", import.meta.url)}`;const seen = new Set<string>();/** Returns the circular dependency from the given module graph and * specifier if exists, returns undefined otherwise. */function getCircularDeps( graph: denoGraph.ModuleGraph, specifier: string, ancestors: string[] = [],): string[] | undefined { if (seen.has(specifier)) { // It's already checked. return undefined; } if (ancestors.includes(specifier)) { return [...ancestors, specifier]; } for (const { code, type } of graph.get(specifier)!.toJSON().dependencies!) { const circularDeps = getCircularDeps( graph, code?.specifier ?? type?.specifier!, [ ...ancestors, specifier, ], ); if (circularDeps) { return circularDeps; } } seen.add(specifier);}const circularDeps = getCircularDeps(await denoGraph.createGraph(root), root);if (circularDeps) { console.log("Found circular dependencies", circularDeps); Deno.exit(1);}console.log("No circular dependencies");