import { Repo } from "";
crates: ReadonlyArray<Crate>Methods
addCrate(crateMetadata: CargoPackageMetadata)
assertCurrentBranch(expectedName: string)
Gets the names of all the crates for showing in error messages or for debugging purpopses.
getCrate(name: string)
remote: string,
tagNameFrom: string | undefined,
tagNameTo: string | undefined,
Gets the git remotes where the key is the remote name and the value is the url.
gitBranch(name: string)
gitCommit(message: string)
Gets the commit message for the current commit.
gitFetchHistory(remote: string, revision?: string)
Fetches from the provided remote.
gitFetchTags(remote: string)
gitFetchUnshallow(remote: string)
Converts the commit history to be a full clone.
gitFetchUntil(remote: string, revision: string)
Fetches the commit history up until a specified revision.
Gets the latest tag on the current branch.
gitPullMain(remote: string)
gitPush(...additionalArgs: string[])
gitTag(name: string)
loadCrateInSubDir(name: string, subDir: string)
runCommand(cmd: string[])
runCommandWithOutput(cmd: string[])
Static Methods
load(options: RepoLoadOptions)