export interface DescribeDefinition<T> extends Omit<Deno.TestDefinition, "fn"> { fn?: () => void; suite?: TestSuite<T>; beforeAll?: | ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>) | ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>)[]; afterAll?: | ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>) | ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>)[]; beforeEach?: | ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>) | ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>)[]; afterEach?: | ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>) | ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>)[];}
export interface ItDefinition<T> extends Omit<Deno.TestDefinition, "fn"> { fn: (this: T, t: Deno.TestContext) => void | Promise<void>; suite?: TestSuite<T>;}
export type HookNames = "beforeAll" | "afterAll" | "beforeEach" | "afterEach";
const optionalTestDefinitionKeys: (keyof Deno.TestDefinition)[] = [ "only", "permissions", "ignore", "sanitizeExit", "sanitizeOps", "sanitizeResources",];
const optionalTestStepDefinitionKeys: (keyof Deno.TestStepDefinition)[] = [ "ignore", "sanitizeExit", "sanitizeOps", "sanitizeResources",];
export interface TestSuite<T> { symbol: symbol;}
export class TestSuiteInternal<T> implements TestSuite<T> { symbol: symbol; protected describe: DescribeDefinition<T>; protected steps: (TestSuiteInternal<T> | ItDefinition<T>)[]; protected hasOnlyStep: boolean;
constructor(describe: DescribeDefinition<T>) { this.describe = describe; this.steps = []; this.hasOnlyStep = false;
const { suite } = describe; if (suite && !TestSuiteInternal.suites.has(suite.symbol)) { throw new Error("suite does not represent a registered test suite"); } const testSuite = suite ? TestSuiteInternal.suites.get(suite.symbol) : TestSuiteInternal.current; this.symbol = Symbol(); TestSuiteInternal.suites.set(this.symbol, this);
const { fn } = describe; if (fn) { const temp = TestSuiteInternal.current; TestSuiteInternal.current = this; try { fn(); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.current = temp; } }
if (testSuite) { TestSuiteInternal.addStep(testSuite, this); } else { const { name, ignore, permissions, sanitizeExit, sanitizeOps, sanitizeResources, } = describe; let { only } = describe; if (!ignore && this.hasOnlyStep) { only = true; } TestSuiteInternal.registerTest({ name, ignore, only, permissions, sanitizeExit, sanitizeOps, sanitizeResources, fn: async (t) => { TestSuiteInternal.runningCount++; try { const context = {} as T; const { beforeAll } = this.describe; if (typeof beforeAll === "function") { await beforeAll.call(context); } else if (beforeAll) { for (const hook of beforeAll) { await hook.call(context); } } try { TestSuiteInternal.active.push(this.symbol); await TestSuiteInternal.run(this, context, t); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.active.pop(); const { afterAll } = this.describe; if (typeof afterAll === "function") { await afterAll.call(context); } else if (afterAll) { for (const hook of afterAll) { await hook.call(context); } } } } finally { TestSuiteInternal.runningCount--; } }, }); } }
static runningCount = 0;
static started = false;
static suites = new Map<symbol, TestSuiteInternal<any>>();
static current: TestSuiteInternal<any> | null = null;
static active: symbol[] = [];
static reset(): void { TestSuiteInternal.runningCount = 0; TestSuiteInternal.started = false; TestSuiteInternal.current = null; TestSuiteInternal.active = []; }
static registerTest(options: Deno.TestDefinition): void { options = { ...options }; optionalTestDefinitionKeys.forEach((key) => { if (typeof options[key] === "undefined") delete options[key]; }); Deno.test(options); }
static addingOnlyStep<T>(suite: TestSuiteInternal<T>) { if (!suite.hasOnlyStep) { for (let i = 0; i < suite.steps.length; i++) { const step = suite.steps[i]!; if (!(step instanceof TestSuiteInternal) && !step.only) { suite.steps.splice(i--, 1); } } suite.hasOnlyStep = true; }
const parentSuite = suite.describe.suite; const parentTestSuite = parentSuite && TestSuiteInternal.suites.get(parentSuite.symbol); if (parentTestSuite) { TestSuiteInternal.addingOnlyStep(parentTestSuite); } }
static addStep<T>( suite: TestSuiteInternal<T>, step: TestSuiteInternal<T> | ItDefinition<T>, ): void { if (!suite.hasOnlyStep) { if (step instanceof TestSuiteInternal) { if (step.hasOnlyStep || step.describe.only) { TestSuiteInternal.addingOnlyStep(suite); } } else { if (step.only) TestSuiteInternal.addingOnlyStep(suite); } }
if ( !(suite.hasOnlyStep && !(step instanceof TestSuiteInternal) && !step.only) ) { suite.steps.push(step); } }
static setHook<T>( suite: TestSuiteInternal<T>, name: HookNames, fn: (this: T) => void | Promise<void>, ): void { if (suite.describe[name]) { if (typeof suite.describe[name] === "function") { suite.describe[name] = [ suite.describe[name] as ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>), ]; } (suite.describe[name] as ((this: T) => void | Promise<void>)[]).push(fn); } else { suite.describe[name] = fn; } }
static async run<T>( suite: TestSuiteInternal<T>, context: T, t: Deno.TestContext, ): Promise<void> { const hasOnly = suite.hasOnlyStep || suite.describe.only || false; for (const step of suite.steps) { if ( hasOnly && step instanceof TestSuiteInternal && !(step.hasOnlyStep || step.describe.only || false) ) { continue; }
const { name, fn, ignore, permissions, sanitizeExit, sanitizeOps, sanitizeResources, } = step instanceof TestSuiteInternal ? step.describe : step;
const options: Deno.TestStepDefinition = { name, ignore, sanitizeExit, sanitizeOps, sanitizeResources, fn: async (t) => { if (permissions) { throw new Error( "permissions option not available for nested tests", ); } context = { ...context }; if (step instanceof TestSuiteInternal) { const { beforeAll } = step.describe; if (typeof beforeAll === "function") { await beforeAll.call(context); } else if (beforeAll) { for (const hook of beforeAll) { await hook.call(context); } } try { TestSuiteInternal.active.push(step.symbol); await TestSuiteInternal.run(step, context, t); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.active.pop(); const { afterAll } = step.describe; if (typeof afterAll === "function") { await afterAll.call(context); } else if (afterAll) { for (const hook of afterAll) { await hook.call(context); } } } } else { await TestSuiteInternal.runTest(t, fn!, context); } }, }; optionalTestStepDefinitionKeys.forEach((key) => { if (typeof options[key] === "undefined") delete options[key]; }); await t.step(options); } }
static async runTest<T>( t: Deno.TestContext, fn: (this: T, t: Deno.TestContext) => void | Promise<void>, context: T, activeIndex = 0, ) { const suite = TestSuiteInternal.active[activeIndex]; const testSuite = suite && TestSuiteInternal.suites.get(suite); if (testSuite) { if (activeIndex === 0) context = { ...context }; const { beforeEach } = testSuite.describe; if (typeof beforeEach === "function") { await beforeEach.call(context); } else if (beforeEach) { for (const hook of beforeEach) { await hook.call(context); } } try { await TestSuiteInternal.runTest(t, fn, context, activeIndex + 1); } finally { const { afterEach } = testSuite.describe; if (typeof afterEach === "function") { await afterEach.call(context); } else if (afterEach) { for (const hook of afterEach) { await hook.call(context); } } } } else { await fn.call(context, t); } }}