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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import * as path from "../path/mod.ts";import { basename, normalize } from "../path/mod.ts";
/** * Test whether or not `dest` is a sub-directory of `src` * @param src src file path * @param dest dest file path * @param sep path separator */export function isSubdir( src: string, dest: string, sep: string = path.sep,): boolean { if (src === dest) { return false; } const srcArray = src.split(sep); const destArray = dest.split(sep); return srcArray.every((current, i) => destArray[i] === current);}
export type PathType = "file" | "dir" | "symlink";
/** * Get a human readable file type string. * * @param fileInfo A FileInfo describes a file and is returned by `stat`, * `lstat` */export function getFileInfoType(fileInfo: Deno.FileInfo): PathType | undefined { return fileInfo.isFile ? "file" : fileInfo.isDirectory ? "dir" : fileInfo.isSymlink ? "symlink" : undefined;}
export interface WalkEntry extends Deno.DirEntry { path: string;}
/** Create WalkEntry for the `path` synchronously */export function createWalkEntrySync(path: string): WalkEntry { path = normalize(path); const name = basename(path); const info = Deno.statSync(path); return { path, name, isFile: info.isFile, isDirectory: info.isDirectory, isSymlink: info.isSymlink, };}
/** Create WalkEntry for the `path` asynchronously */export async function createWalkEntry(path: string): Promise<WalkEntry> { path = normalize(path); const name = basename(path); const info = await Deno.stat(path); return { path, name, isFile: info.isFile, isDirectory: info.isDirectory, isSymlink: info.isSymlink, };}