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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { kHandle } from "./constants.ts";import { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE } from "../errors.ts";import { notImplemented } from "../../_utils.ts";import type { KeyFormat, KeyType, PrivateKeyInput, PublicKeyInput,} from "./types.ts";import { Buffer } from "../../buffer.ts";import { isCryptoKey, isKeyObject, kKeyType } from "./_keys.ts";
export { isCryptoKey, isKeyObject };
export interface AsymmetricKeyDetails { /** * Key size in bits (RSA, DSA). */ modulusLength?: number | undefined; /** * Public exponent (RSA). */ publicExponent?: bigint | undefined; /** * Name of the message digest (RSA-PSS). */ hashAlgorithm?: string | undefined; /** * Name of the message digest used by MGF1 (RSA-PSS). */ mgf1HashAlgorithm?: string | undefined; /** * Minimal salt length in bytes (RSA-PSS). */ saltLength?: number | undefined; /** * Size of q in bits (DSA). */ divisorLength?: number | undefined; /** * Name of the curve (EC). */ namedCurve?: string | undefined;}
export type KeyObjectType = "secret" | "public" | "private";
export interface KeyExportOptions<T extends KeyFormat> { type: "pkcs1" | "spki" | "pkcs8" | "sec1"; format: T; cipher?: string | undefined; passphrase?: string | Buffer | undefined;}
export interface JwkKeyExportOptions { format: "jwk";}
export class KeyObject { [kKeyType]: KeyObjectType; [kHandle]: unknown;
constructor(type: KeyObjectType, handle: unknown) { if (type !== "secret" && type !== "public" && type !== "private") { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE("type", type); }
if (typeof handle !== "object") { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("handle", "object", handle); }
this[kKeyType] = type;
Object.defineProperty(this, kHandle, { value: handle, enumerable: false, configurable: false, writable: false, }); }
get type(): KeyObjectType { return this[kKeyType]; }
get asymmetricKeyDetails(): AsymmetricKeyDetails | undefined { notImplemented("crypto.KeyObject.prototype.asymmetricKeyDetails");
return undefined; }
get asymmetricKeyType(): KeyType | undefined { notImplemented("crypto.KeyObject.prototype.asymmetricKeyType");
return undefined; }
get symmetricKeySize(): number | undefined { notImplemented("crypto.KeyObject.prototype.symmetricKeySize");
return undefined; }
static from(key: CryptoKey): KeyObject { if (!isCryptoKey(key)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("key", "CryptoKey", key); }
notImplemented("crypto.KeyObject.prototype.from"); }
equals(otherKeyObject: KeyObject): boolean { if (!isKeyObject(otherKeyObject)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( "otherKeyObject", "KeyObject", otherKeyObject, ); }
notImplemented("crypto.KeyObject.prototype.equals"); }
export(options: KeyExportOptions<"pem">): string | Buffer; export(options?: KeyExportOptions<"der">): Buffer; export(options?: JwkKeyExportOptions): JsonWebKey; export(_options?: unknown): string | Buffer | JsonWebKey { notImplemented("crypto.KeyObject.prototype.asymmetricKeyType"); }}
export interface JsonWebKeyInput { key: JsonWebKey; format: "jwk";}
export function createPrivateKey( _key: PrivateKeyInput | string | Buffer | JsonWebKeyInput,): KeyObject { notImplemented("crypto.createPrivateKey");}
export function createPublicKey( _key: PublicKeyInput | string | Buffer | KeyObject | JsonWebKeyInput,): KeyObject { notImplemented("crypto.createPublicKey");}
export function createSecretKey(key: ArrayBufferView): KeyObject;export function createSecretKey( key: string, encoding: string,): KeyObject;export function createSecretKey( _key: string | ArrayBufferView, _encoding?: string,): KeyObject { notImplemented("crypto.createSecretKey");}
export default { isKeyObject, isCryptoKey, KeyObject, createPrivateKey, createPublicKey, createSecretKey,};