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// Copyright Isaac Z. Schlueter and Contributors. All rights reserved. ISC license.// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assert, assertEquals } from "../testing/asserts.ts";import * as semver from "./mod.ts";
type Version = string;
Deno.test("comparators", function () { // [range, comparators] // turn range into a set of individual comparators const versions: [Version, string[][]][] = [ ["1.0.0 - 2.0.0", [[">=1.0.0", "<=2.0.0"]]], ["1.0.0", [["1.0.0"]]], [">=*", [[""]]], ["", [[""]]], ["*", [[""]]], ["*", [[""]]], [">=1.0.0", [[">=1.0.0"]]], [">=1.0.0", [[">=1.0.0"]]], [">=1.0.0", [[">=1.0.0"]]], [">1.0.0", [[">1.0.0"]]], [">1.0.0", [[">1.0.0"]]], ["<=2.0.0", [["<=2.0.0"]]], ["1", [[">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0"]]], ["<=2.0.0", [["<=2.0.0"]]], ["<=2.0.0", [["<=2.0.0"]]], ["<2.0.0", [["<2.0.0"]]], ["<2.0.0", [["<2.0.0"]]], [">=0.1.97", [[">=0.1.97"]]], [">=0.1.97", [[">=0.1.97"]]], ["0.1.20 || 1.2.4", [["0.1.20"], ["1.2.4"]]], [">=0.2.3 || <0.0.1", [[">=0.2.3"], ["<0.0.1"]]], [">=0.2.3 || <0.0.1", [[">=0.2.3"], ["<0.0.1"]]], [">=0.2.3 || <0.0.1", [[">=0.2.3"], ["<0.0.1"]]], ["||", [[""], [""]]], ["2.x.x", [[">=2.0.0", "<3.0.0"]]], ["1.2.x", [[">=1.2.0", "<1.3.0"]]], [ "1.2.x || 2.x", [ [">=1.2.0", "<1.3.0"], [">=2.0.0", "<3.0.0"], ], ], [ "1.2.x || 2.x", [ [">=1.2.0", "<1.3.0"], [">=2.0.0", "<3.0.0"], ], ], ["x", [[""]]], ["2.*.*", [[">=2.0.0", "<3.0.0"]]], ["1.2.*", [[">=1.2.0", "<1.3.0"]]], [ "1.2.* || 2.*", [ [">=1.2.0", "<1.3.0"], [">=2.0.0", "<3.0.0"], ], ], [ "1.2.* || 2.*", [ [">=1.2.0", "<1.3.0"], [">=2.0.0", "<3.0.0"], ], ], ["*", [[""]]], ["2", [[">=2.0.0", "<3.0.0"]]], ["2.3", [[">=2.3.0", "<2.4.0"]]], ["~2.4", [[">=2.4.0", "<2.5.0"]]], ["~2.4", [[">=2.4.0", "<2.5.0"]]], ["~>3.2.1", [[">=3.2.1", "<3.3.0"]]], ["~1", [[">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0"]]], ["~>1", [[">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0"]]], ["~1.0", [[">=1.0.0", "<1.1.0"]]], ["<1", [["<1.0.0"]]], [">=1", [[">=1.0.0"]]], ["<1.2", [["<1.2.0"]]], ["1", [[">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0"]]], ["1 2", [[">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0", ">=2.0.0", "<3.0.0"]]], ["1.2 - 3.4.5", [[">=1.2.0", "<=3.4.5"]]], ["1.2.3 - 3.4", [[">=1.2.3", "<3.5.0"]]], ["1.2.3 - 3", [[">=1.2.3", "<4.0.0"]]], [">*", [["<0.0.0"]]], ["<*", [["<0.0.0"]]], ];
versions.forEach(function (v) { const pre = v[0]; const wanted = v[1]; const found = semver.toComparators(v[0]); const jw = JSON.stringify(wanted); assertEquals(found, wanted, "toComparators(" + pre + ") === " + jw); });});
Deno.test("test", function () { const c = new semver.Comparator(">=1.2.3"); assert(c.test("1.2.4")); const c2 = new semver.Comparator(c); assert(c2.test("1.2.4"));});
Deno.test("intersect", function () { const versions: [string, string, boolean][] = [ // One is a Version ["1.3.0", ">=1.3.0", true], ["1.3.0", ">1.3.0", false], [">=1.3.0", "1.3.0", true], [">1.3.0", "1.3.0", false], // Same direction increasing [">1.3.0", ">1.2.0", true], [">1.2.0", ">1.3.0", true], [">=1.2.0", ">1.3.0", true], [">1.2.0", ">=1.3.0", true], // Same direction decreasing ["<1.3.0", "<1.2.0", true], ["<1.2.0", "<1.3.0", true], ["<=1.2.0", "<1.3.0", true], ["<1.2.0", "<=1.3.0", true], // Different directions, same semver and inclusive operator [">=1.3.0", "<=1.3.0", true], [">=v1.3.0", "<=1.3.0", true], [">=1.3.0", ">=1.3.0", true], ["<=1.3.0", "<=1.3.0", true], ["<=1.3.0", "<=v1.3.0", true], [">1.3.0", "<=1.3.0", false], [">=1.3.0", "<1.3.0", false], // Opposite matching directions [">1.0.0", "<2.0.0", true], [">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0", true], [">=1.0.0", "<=2.0.0", true], [">1.0.0", "<=2.0.0", true], ["<=2.0.0", ">1.0.0", true], ["<=1.0.0", ">=2.0.0", false], ];
versions.forEach(function (v) { const comparator1 = new semver.Comparator(v[0]); const comparator2 = new semver.Comparator(v[1]); const expect = v[2];
const actual1 = comparator1.intersects(comparator2); const actual2 = comparator2.intersects(comparator1); const actual3 = semver.intersects(comparator1, comparator2); const actual4 = semver.intersects(comparator2, comparator1); const actual5 = semver.intersects(v[0], v[1]); const actual6 = semver.intersects(v[1], v[0]);
assertEquals(actual1, expect); assertEquals(actual2, expect); assertEquals(actual3, expect); assertEquals(actual4, expect); assertEquals(actual5, expect); assertEquals(actual6, expect); });});
Deno.test("tostrings", function () { assertEquals(new semver.Comparator(">= v1.2.3").toString(), ">=1.2.3");});