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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { readFile } from "./promises.ts";import * as path from "../../path/mod.ts";import { assert, assertEquals } from "../../testing/asserts.ts";
const moduleDir = path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url));const testData = path.resolve(moduleDir, "..", "_fs", "testdata", "hello.txt");
Deno.test("readFileSuccess", async function () { const data: Uint8Array = await readFile(testData);
assert(data instanceof Uint8Array); assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(data), "hello world");});
Deno.test("readFileBinarySuccess", async function () { const data: Uint8Array = await readFile(testData, "binary");
assert(data instanceof Uint8Array); assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(data), "hello world");});
Deno.test("readFileBinaryObjectSuccess", async function () { const data: Uint8Array = await readFile(testData, { encoding: "binary" });
assert(data instanceof Uint8Array); assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(data), "hello world");});
Deno.test("readFileStringObjectSuccess", async function () { const data: string = await readFile(testData, { encoding: "utf8" });
assertEquals(typeof data, "string"); assertEquals(data, "hello world");});
Deno.test("readFileEncodeHexSuccess", async function () { const data: string = await readFile(testData, { encoding: "hex" }); assertEquals(typeof data, "string"); assertEquals(data as string, "68656c6c6f20776f726c64");});
Deno.test("readFileEncodeBase64Success", async function () { const data: string = await readFile(testData, { encoding: "base64" }); assertEquals(typeof data, "string"); assertEquals(data as string, "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=");});
Deno.test("readFileStringSuccess", async function () { const data: string = await readFile(testData, "utf8");
assertEquals(typeof data, "string"); assertEquals(data, "hello world");});
Deno.test("readFileError", async function () { try { await readFile("invalid-file", "utf8"); } catch (e) { assert(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound); }});