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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.const { Buffer, mkdir, open } = Deno;type File = Deno.File;type Reader = Deno.Reader;import * as path from "../path/mod.ts";import { encode } from "../encoding/utf8.ts";
// `off` is the offset into `dst` where it will at which to begin writing values// from `src`.// Returns the number of bytes copied.export function copyBytes(dst: Uint8Array, src: Uint8Array, off = 0): number { off = Math.max(0, Math.min(off, dst.byteLength)); const r = dst.byteLength - off; if (src.byteLength > r) { src = src.subarray(0, r); } dst.set(src, off); return src.byteLength;}
export function charCode(s: string): number { return s.charCodeAt(0);}
export function stringsReader(s: string): Reader { return new Buffer(encode(s).buffer);}
/** Create or open a temporal file at specified directory with prefix and * postfix * */export async function tempFile( dir: string, opts: { prefix?: string; postfix?: string; } = { prefix: "", postfix: "" }): Promise<{ file: File; filepath: string }> { const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); const filepath = path.resolve( `${dir}/${opts.prefix || ""}${r}${opts.postfix || ""}` ); await mkdir(path.dirname(filepath), { recursive: true }); const file = await open(filepath, "a"); return { file, filepath };}