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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import type { UserConfig as UnoConfig } from "";
export type AlephConfig = { /** The config for file-system based routing. */ routes?: RoutesConfig | string; /** The build options for `build` command. */ build?: BuildOptions; /** The config for dev server. */ devServer?: { watchFS?: (kind: "create" | "remove" | "modify", specifier: string) => void; /** The url for HMR web socket. This is useful for dev server proxy env. */ hmrWebSocketUrl?: string; };};
/** The build platform. */export type BuildPlatform = "deno" | "cloudflare" | "vercel";
/** The build options for `build` command. */export type BuildOptions = { /** The supported platform. default is "deno" */ platform?: BuildPlatform; /** The directory for build output files. default is "dist" */ outputDir?: string; /** The build target passes to esbuild. default is "es2020" */ target?: "es2015" | "es2016" | "es2017" | "es2018" | "es2019" | "es2020" | "es2021" | "es2022"; /** The config for atomic css powered by unocss. */ unocss?: UnoConfig;};
export type RoutesConfig = { glob: string; generate?: boolean; host?: boolean;};
export type FetchHandler = { (request: Request, context: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<Response> | Response;};
export interface Middleware { name?: string; eager?: boolean; fetch( request: Request, context: Record<string, unknown>, ): Promise<Response | CallableFunction | void> | Response | CallableFunction | void;}
export type ImportMap = { readonly __filename: string; readonly imports: Record<string, string>; readonly scopes: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;};
export type JSXConfig = { jsxRuntime?: "react" | "preact"; jsxImportSource?: string; jsxRuntimeVersion?: string; jsxRuntimeCdnVersion?: string;};
export type ModuleLoader = { test(pathname: string): boolean; load(pathname: string, env: ModuleLoaderEnv): Promise<ModuleLoaderOutput> | ModuleLoaderOutput;};
export type ModuleLoaderEnv = { importMap?: ImportMap; isDev?: boolean; ssr?: boolean;};
export type ModuleLoaderOutput = { code: string; inlineCSS?: string; lang?: "js" | "jsx" | "ts" | "tsx" | "css"; isTemplateLanguage?: boolean; map?: string;};
export { UnoConfig };