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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { Untar } from "";import { parse } from "";import { blue, bold, cyan, dim, green, red } from "";import { copy } from "";import { readerFromStreamReader } from "";import { ensureDir } from "";import { basename, join } from "";
const templates = [ "react", "react-mdx", "vue", "yew", "leptos", "solid", "api", // todo: // "preact", // "svelte", // "lit", // "vanilla",];
const versions = { react: "18.2.0", vue: "3.2.39", solid: "1.5.5",};
type Options = { canary?: boolean; template?: string;};
export default async function init(nameArg?: string, options?: Options) { let { template, canary } = options || {};
// get and check the project name const name = nameArg ?? await ask("Project Name:"); if (!name) { console.error(`${red("!")} Please entry project name.`); Deno.exit(1); }
if (template && !(templates.includes(template))) { console.error( `${red("!")} Invalid template name ${red(template)}, must be one of [${blue(templates.join(","))}]`, ); Deno.exit(1); }
// check the dir is clean if ( !(await isFolderEmpty(Deno.cwd(), name)) && !(await confirm(`Folder ${blue(name)} already exists, continue?`)) ) { Deno.exit(1); }
if (!template) { const answer = await ask( [ "Select a framework:",, i) => ` ${bold((i + 1).toString())}. ${toTitle(name)}`), dim(`[1-${templates.length}]`), ].join("\n"), ); const n = parseInt(answer); if (!isNaN(n) && n > 0 && n <= templates.length) { template = templates[n - 1]; } else { console.error(`${red("!")} Please entry ${cyan(`[1-${templates.length}]`)}.`); Deno.exit(1); } }
const generateExportTs = await confirm( "Generate `_export.ts` file for runtime that doesn't support dynamic import (deploy to Deno Deploy)?", );
const withUnocss = ["react", "yew", "leptos", "solid"].includes(template!) && await confirm("Using Unocss(TailwindCSS)?");
const withVscode = await confirm("Initialize VS Code workspace configuration?");
// download template console.log(`${dim("↓")} Downloading template(${blue(template!)}), this might take a moment...`); const pkgName = canary ? "aleph_canary" : "aleph"; const [res, res2] = await Promise.all([ fetch( `${pkgName}/meta/versions.json`, ), fetch(""), ]); if (res.status !== 200) { console.error(await res.text()); Deno.exit(1); } if (res2.status !== 200) { console.error(await res.text()); Deno.exit(1); } const { latest: VERSION } = await res.json(); const { version: ESM_VERSION } = await res2.json(); const repo = canary ? "ije/aleph-canary" : "alephjs/aleph.js"; const resp = await fetch( `${repo}/tar.gz/refs/tags/${VERSION}`, ); if (resp.status !== 200) { console.error(await resp.text()); Deno.exit(1); } // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore const gz = new DecompressionStream("gzip"); const entryList = new Untar( readerFromStreamReader(resp.body!.pipeThrough<Uint8Array>(gz).getReader()), ); const appDir = join(Deno.cwd(), name); const prefix = `${basename(repo)}-${VERSION}/examples/${withUnocss ? "with-unocss/" : ""}${template}-app/`;
// write template files for await (const entry of entryList) { if (entry.fileName.startsWith(prefix) && !entry.fileName.endsWith("/")) { const fp = join(appDir, trimPrefix(entry.fileName, prefix)); if (entry.type === "directory") { await ensureDir(fp); continue; } const file = await, { write: true, create: true }); await copy(entry, file); } }
let serverCode = await Deno.readTextFile(join(appDir, "server.ts")); if (!generateExportTs) { const importExpr = `import routes from "./routes/_export.ts";\n`; if (serverCode.includes(importExpr)) { serverCode = serverCode .replace(importExpr, "") .replace(" router: { routes },\n", "") .replace(" routes,\n },", " },"); await Deno.writeTextFile( join(appDir, "dev.ts"), [`import dev from "aleph/dev";`, "dev();"].join("\n\n"), ); await Deno.remove(join(appDir, "routes/_export.ts")); } } await Deno.writeTextFile( join(appDir, "server.ts"), serverCode.replace(" baseUrl: import.meta.url,\n", ""), );
const alephPkgUri = `${pkgName}@${VERSION}`; const denoConfig = { "compilerOptions": { "lib": [ "dom", "dom.iterable", "dom.extras", "deno.ns", ], "types": [ `${alephPkgUri}/types.d.ts`, ], }, "importMap": "import_map.json", "tasks": { "dev": "deno run -A dev.ts", "start": "deno run -A server.ts", "build": "deno run -A server.ts --build", "esm:add": `deno run -A${ESM_VERSION} add`, "esm:update": `deno run -A${ESM_VERSION} update`, "esm:remove": `deno run -A${ESM_VERSION} remove`, }, }; const importMap = { imports: { "~/": "./", "std/": "", "aleph/": `${alephPkgUri}/`, "aleph/server": `${alephPkgUri}/server/mod.ts`, "aleph/dev": `${alephPkgUri}/server/dev.ts`, } as Record<string, string>, scopes: {}, }; if (withUnocss) { Object.assign(importMap.imports, { "aleph/unocss": `${alephPkgUri}/server/unocss.ts`, "@unocss/core": `${ESM_VERSION}/@unocss/core@0.49.7`, "@unocss/preset-uno": `${ESM_VERSION}/@unocss/preset-uno@0.49.7`, }); } switch (template) { case "react-mdx": Object.assign(importMap.imports, { "aleph/react/mdx-loader": `${alephPkgUri}/runtime/react/mdx-loader.ts`, "@mdx-js/react": `${ESM_VERSION}/@mdx-js/react@2.3.0`, }); /* falls through */ case "react": { Object.assign(denoConfig.compilerOptions, { "jsx": "react-jsx", "jsxImportSource": `${ESM_VERSION}/react@${versions.react}`, }); Object.assign(importMap.imports, { "aleph/react": `${alephPkgUri}/runtime/react/mod.ts`, "aleph/react-client": `${alephPkgUri}/runtime/react/client.ts`, "aleph/react-server": `${alephPkgUri}/runtime/react/server.ts`, "react": `${ESM_VERSION}/react@${versions.react}`, "react-dom": `${ESM_VERSION}/react-dom@${versions.react}`, "react-dom/": `${ESM_VERSION}/react-dom@${versions.react}/`, }); break; } case "vue": { Object.assign(importMap.imports, { "aleph/vue": `${alephPkgUri}/runtime/vue/mod.ts`, "aleph/vue-server": `${alephPkgUri}/runtime/vue/server.ts`, "vue": `${ESM_VERSION}/vue@${versions.vue}`, "@vue/server-renderer": `${ESM_VERSION}/@vue/server-renderer@${versions.vue}`, }); break; } case "solid": { Object.assign(denoConfig.compilerOptions, { "jsx": "react-jsx", "jsxImportSource": `${ESM_VERSION}/solid-js@${versions.solid}`, }); Object.assign(importMap.imports, { "aleph/solid-server": `${alephPkgUri}/runtime/solid/server.ts`, "solid-js": `${ESM_VERSION}/solid-js@${versions.solid}`, "solid-js/web": `${ESM_VERSION}/solid-js@${versions.solid}/web`, "solid-refresh": `${ESM_VERSION}/solid-refresh@0.4.1`, }); break; } }
await ensureDir(appDir); await Promise.all([ Deno.writeTextFile( join(appDir, "deno.json"), JSON.stringify(denoConfig, undefined, 2), ), Deno.writeTextFile( join(appDir, "import_map.json"), JSON.stringify(importMap, undefined, 2), ), ]);
if (withVscode) { const settings = { "deno.enable": true, "deno.lint": true, "deno.config": "./deno.json", }; await ensureDir(join(appDir, ".vscode")); await Deno.writeTextFile( join(appDir, ".vscode", "settings.json"), JSON.stringify(settings, undefined, 2), ); }
await{ cmd: [Deno.execPath(), "cache", "--no-lock", "server.ts"], cwd: appDir, stderr: "inherit", stdout: "inherit", }).status();
console.log([ "", green("▲ Aleph.js is ready to go!"), "", `${dim("$")} cd ${name}`, `${dim("$")} deno task dev ${dim("# Start the server in `development` mode")}`, `${dim("$")} deno task start ${dim("# Start the server in `production` mode")}`, `${dim("$")} deno task build ${dim("# Build & Optimize the app (bundling, SSG, etc.)")}`, "", `Docs: ${cyan("")}`, `Bugs: ${cyan("")}`, "", ].join("\n")); Deno.exit(0);}
async function isFolderEmpty(root: string, name: string): Promise<boolean> { const dir = join(root, name); if (await existsFile(dir)) { throw new Error(`Folder ${name} already exists as a file.`); } if (await existsDir(dir)) { for await (const file of Deno.readDir(dir)) { if ( !== ".DS_Store") { return false; } } } return true;}
async function ask(question = ":") { await Deno.stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(cyan("? ") + question + " ")); const buf = new Uint8Array(1024); const n = <number> await; const answer = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, n)); return answer.trim();}
async function confirm(question = "are you sure?") { let a: string; // deno-lint-ignore no-empty while (!/^(y|n|)$/i.test(a = await ask(question + dim(" [y/N]")))) {} return a.toLowerCase() === "y";}
function trimPrefix(s: string, prefix: string): string { if (prefix !== "" && s.startsWith(prefix)) { return s.slice(prefix.length); } return s;}
function toTitle(name: string) { if (name === "api") { return "REST API"; } if (name === "react-mdx") { return "React with MDX"; } return + name.slice(1);}
/** Check whether or not the given path exists as a directory. */export async function existsDir(path: string): Promise<boolean> { try { const stat = await Deno.lstat(path); return stat.isDirectory; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw err; }}
/** Check whether or not the given path exists as regular file. */export async function existsFile(path: string): Promise<boolean> { try { const stat = await Deno.lstat(path); return stat.isFile; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw err; }}
if (import.meta.main) { const { _: args, ...options } = parse(Deno.args); await init(args[0] as string | undefined, options);}