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import type { ServerRequest } from './std.ts';
/** * The **ENV** of Aleph.js runtime, you can access it with `window.ALEPH.ENV[key]`. */export interface AlephEnv { [key: string]: string /** The version of **Aleph.js** */ readonly __version: string /** The build mode of the appliaction (possible values: '**development**' | '**production**') */ readonly __buildMode: string /** The build target of the appliaction (possible values: '**ES2015**' - '**ES2020**' | '**ESNext**') */ readonly __buildTarget: string}
/** * A plugin for **Aleph.js** application. */export interface Plugin { /** `name` gives the plugin a name. */ name?: string /** `test` matches the import url. */ test: RegExp /** `acceptHMR` accepts the HMR. */ acceptHMR?: boolean /** `resolve` resolves the import url, if the `external` returned the compilation will skip the import url. */ resolve?(url: string): { url: string, external?: boolean } /** `transform` transforms the source content. */ transform?(content: Uint8Array, url: string): Promise<{ code: string, map?: string, loader?: 'js' | 'ts' | 'css' | 'markdown' }>}
/** * The options for **SSR**. */export interface SSROptions { /** The fallback html **dynamic routes** (default is '**_fallback.html**'). */ fallback?: string /** A list of RegExp for paths to use **SSR**. */ include?: RegExp[] /** A list of RegExp for paths to skip **SSR**. */ exclude?: RegExp[] /** A list of paths for **dynamic routes** in **SSR**. */ staticPaths?: string[]}
/** * Config for Aleph.js application. */export interface Config { /** `srcDir` to put your application source code (default is '/'). */ srcDir?: string /** `outputDir` specifies the output directory for `build` command (default is '**dist**'). */ outputDir?: string /** `baseUrl` specifies the path prefix for the application (default is '/'). */ baseUrl?: string /** `reactUrl` specifies the **react** download URL (default is ''). */ reactUrl?: string /** `reactDomUrl` specifies the **react-dom** download URL (default is ''). */ reactDomUrl?: string /** `defaultLocale` specifies the default locale of the application (default is '**en**'). */ defaultLocale?: string /** A list of locales. */ locales?: string[] /** The options for **SSR**. */ ssr?: boolean | SSROptions /** A list of plugin. */ plugins?: Plugin[] /** A list of plugin of PostCSS. */ postcss?: { plugins: (string | { name: string, options: Record<string, any> })[] } /** `buildTarget` specifies the build target for **tsc** (possible values: '**ES2015**' - '**ES2020**' | '**ESNext**', default is **ES2015** for `production` and **ES2018** for `development`). */ buildTarget?: string /** Enable sourceMap in **production** mode (default is **false**). */ sourceMap?: boolean /** `env` defines the `Window.ALEPH.ENV` object in the application. */ env?: Record<string, string>}
/** * A handler to handle api requests. * * @param req APIRequest object */export interface APIHandler { (req: APIRequest): void}
/** * The request object from api requests. */export interface APIRequest extends ServerRequest { readonly pathname: string readonly params: Record<string, string> readonly query: URLSearchParams readonly cookies: ReadonlyMap<string, string> /** `status` sets response status of the request. */ status(code: number): this /** `addHeader` adds a new value onto an existing response header of the request, or * adds the header if it does not already exist. */ addHeader(key: string, value: string): this /** `setHeader` sets a new value for an existing response header of the request, or adds * the header if it does not already exist. */ setHeader(key: string, value: string): this /** `removeHeader` removes the value for an existing response header of the request. */ removeHeader(key: string): this /** `send` replies to the request with any content with type */ send(data: string | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer, contentType?: string): Promise<void> /** `json` replies to the request with a json content */ json(data: any): Promise<void>}
/** * The Router object of the application routing, you can access it with `useRouter()`. */export interface RouterURL { readonly locale: string readonly pathname: string readonly pagePath: string readonly params: Record<string, string> readonly query: URLSearchParams}