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Alosaur - Deno web framework with many decorators
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import { Content } from "../renderer/content.ts";type ResponseBody = Uint8Array | Deno.Reader | string | any;
export interface ActionResult { headers: Headers; body?: ResponseBody; status?: number; __isActionResult: boolean;}
export class Response { public readonly headers: Headers = new Headers();
public status?: number; public body?: ResponseBody; public result?: ActionResult | any; public error?: Error;
private immediately: boolean = false;
public setImmediately(): void { this.immediately = true; }
public isImmediately(): boolean { return this.immediately; }
public getRaw() { return { headers: this.headers, body: this.body, status: this.status, }; }
public getMergedResult() { if (this.body !== undefined) { return this.getRaw(); }
const result = this.result; let response: any;
if (result !== undefined && (result as ActionResult).__isActionResult) { response = result; } else { response = Content(result); }
// merge headers for (const pair of this.headers.entries()) { response.headers.set(pair[0], pair[1]); }
delete response.__isActionResult;
return response; }}