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class Users
extends Service
import { Users } from "";


create<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(
userId: string,
email: string,
password: string,
name?: string,
): Promise<Models.User<Preferences>>

Create User

Create a new user.

delete(userId: string): Promise<Response>

Delete User

Delete a user by its unique ID.

deleteSession(userId: string, sessionId: string): Promise<Response>

Delete User Session

Delete a user sessions by its unique ID.

deleteSessions(userId: string): Promise<Response>

Delete User Sessions

Delete all user's sessions by using the user's unique ID.

get<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(userId: string): Promise<Models.User<Preferences>>

Get User

Get a user by its unique ID.

userId: string,
limit?: number,
offset?: number,
): Promise<Models.LogList>

Get User Logs

Get the user activity logs list by its unique ID.

getPrefs<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(userId: string): Promise<Preferences>

Get User Preferences

Get the user preferences by its unique ID.

getSessions(userId: string): Promise<Models.SessionList>

Get User Sessions

Get the user sessions list by its unique ID.

list<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(
search?: string,
limit?: number,
offset?: number,
cursor?: string,
cursorDirection?: string,
orderType?: string,
): Promise<Models.UserList<Preferences>>

List Users

Get a list of all the project's users. You can use the query params to filter your results.

updateEmail<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(userId: string, email: string): Promise<Models.User<Preferences>>

Update Email

Update the user email by its unique ID.

updateName<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(userId: string, name: string): Promise<Models.User<Preferences>>

Update Name

Update the user name by its unique ID.

updatePassword<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(userId: string, password: string): Promise<Models.User<Preferences>>

Update Password

Update the user password by its unique ID.

updatePrefs<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(userId: string, prefs: object): Promise<Preferences>

Update User Preferences

Update the user preferences by its unique ID. The object you pass is stored as is, and replaces any previous value. The maximum allowed prefs size is 64kB and throws error if exceeded.

updateStatus<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(userId: string, status: boolean): Promise<Models.User<Preferences>>

Update User Status

Update the user status by its unique ID.

updateVerification<Preferences extends Models.Preferences>(userId: string, emailVerification: boolean): Promise<Models.User<Preferences>>

Update Email Verification

Update the user email verification status by its unique ID.