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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {isValue, toArray} from "./util";import type {DataRow} from "../../types/types";
/** * Constant for cache key * - NOTE: Prefixed with '$', will be resetted when .load() is called * @private */export const KEY = { bubbleBaseLength: "$baseLength", colorPattern: "__colorPattern__", dataMinMax: "$dataMinMax", dataTotalSum: "$dataTotalSum", dataTotalPerIndex: "$totalPerIndex", legendItemTextBox: "legendItemTextBox", radarPoints: "$radarPoints", setOverOut: "setOverOut", callOverOutForTouch: "callOverOutForTouch", textRect: "textRect"};
export default class Cache { private cache = {};
/** * Add cache * @param {string} key Cache key * @param {*} value Value to be stored * @param {boolean} isDataType Weather the cache is data typed '{id:'data', id_org: 'data', values: [{x:0, index:0,...}, ...]}' * @returns {*} Added data value * @private */ add(key: string, value, isDataType = false) { this.cache[key] = isDataType ? this.cloneTarget(value) : value; return this.cache[key]; }
/** * Remove cache * @param {string|Array} key Cache key * @private */ remove(key: string | string[]) { toArray(key).forEach(v => delete this.cache[v]); }
/** * Get cahce * @param {string|Array} key Cache key * @param {boolean} isDataType Weather the cache is data typed '{id:'data', id_org: 'data', values: [{x:0, index:0,...}, ...]}' * @returns {*} * @private */ get(key: string, isDataType = false): any | null { if (isDataType) { const targets: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0, id; (id = key[i]); i++) { if (id in this.cache) { targets.push(this.cloneTarget(this.cache[id])); } }
return targets; } else { const value = this.cache[key];
return isValue(value) ? value : null; } }
/** * Reset cached data * @param {boolean} all true: reset all data, false: reset only '$' prefixed key data * @private */ reset(all?: boolean): void { const $$ = this;
for (const x in $$.cache) { // reset the prefixed '$' key(which is internal use data) only. if (all || /^\$/.test(x)) { $$.cache[x] = null; } } }
/** * Clone data target object * @param {object} target Data object * @returns {object} * @private */ // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase cloneTarget(target: DataRow): DataRow { return { id:, id_org: target.id_org, values: => ({x: d.x, value: d.value, id:})) }; }}