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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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import {window} from "./browser";import {TYPE, TYPE_METHOD_NEEDED} from "../config/const";import {camelize, isEmpty} from "./util";
/** * Copyright (c) 2021 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license *//* eslint no-console: "off" */export { checkModuleImport, logError};
/** * Check chart type module imports. * @param {ChartInternal} ctx Context * @private */function checkModuleImport(ctx) { const $$ = ctx; const {config} = $$; let type = "";
if (isEmpty(config.data_type || config.data_types) && !$$[TYPE_METHOD_NEEDED.LINE]) { type = "line"; } else { for (const x in TYPE_METHOD_NEEDED) { const t = TYPE[x];
if ($$.hasType(t) && !$$[TYPE_METHOD_NEEDED[x]]) { type = t; break; } } }
type && logError(`Please, make sure if %c${camelize(type)}`, "module has been imported and specified correctly.");}
/** * Log error and throw error * @param {string} head Message header * @param {string} tail Message tail * @private */function logError(head, tail) { const prefix = "[billboard.js]"; const info = ""; const hasConsole = window.console?.error;
if (hasConsole) { console.error(`❌ ${prefix} ${head}`, "background:red;color:white;display:block;font-size:15px", tail);"%cℹ️", "font-size:15px", info); }
throw Error(`${prefix} ${head.replace(/\%c([a-z-]+)/i, "'$1' ")} ${tail}`);}