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class AnsiEscape
import { AnsiEscape } from "";

AnsiEscape representation.


AnsiEscape(file: Deno.WriterSync)


write(code: string): this

Write to file.

cursorBackward(count?): this

Move cursor left by n lines.

cursorDown(count?): this

Move cursor down by n lines.

cursorForward(count?): this

Move cursor right by n lines.

cursorHide(): this

Hide cursor.

cursorLeft(): this

Move cursor to first column of current row.

cursorMove(x: number, y: number): this

Move cursor by offset.

cursorNextLine(count?): this

Move cursor to the beginning of the line n lines down.

cursorPrevLine(count?): this

Move cursor to the beginning of the line n lines up.

Restore cursor.

cursorSave(): this

Save cursor.

cursorShow(): this

Show cursor.

cursorTo(x: number, y?: number): this

Move cursor to x, y, counting from the top left corner.

cursorUp(count?): this

Move cursor up by n lines.

eraseDown(count?): this

Clear screen down.

eraseLine(): this

Clear current line.

eraseLineEnd(): this

Clear to line end.

eraseLines(count: number): this

Clear n line's up.

Clear to line start.

eraseScreen(): this

Clear screen.

eraseUp(count?): this

Clear screen up.

image(buffer: Uint8Array, options?: ImageOptions): this

Render image.

scrollDown(count?): this

Scroll window down by n lines.

scrollUp(count?): this

Scroll window up by n lines.

Static Methods

Create instance from file.