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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import { didYouMeanOption, didYouMeanType, getFlag } from "./_utils.ts";import type { IFlagOptions, ITypeInfo } from "./types.ts";
export class FlagsError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, FlagsError.prototype); }}
export class UnknownRequiredOption extends FlagsError { constructor(option: string, options: Array<IFlagOptions>) { super( `Unknown required option "${getFlag(option)}".${ didYouMeanOption(option, options) }`, ); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, UnknownRequiredOption.prototype); }}
export class UnknownConflictingOption extends FlagsError { constructor(option: string, options: Array<IFlagOptions>) { super( `Unknown conflicting option "${getFlag(option)}".${ didYouMeanOption(option, options) }`, ); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, UnknownConflictingOption.prototype); }}
export class UnknownType extends FlagsError { constructor(type: string, types: Array<string>) { super(`Unknown type "${type}".${didYouMeanType(type, types)}`); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, UnknownType.prototype); }}
/* Validation errors. */
/** * A validation error is thrown when the command is wrongly used by the user. * For example: If the user passes some invalid options or arguments to the * command. */export class ValidationError extends FlagsError { constructor(message: string) { super(message); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ValidationError.prototype); }}
export class DuplicateOption extends ValidationError { constructor(name: string) { super( `Option "${ getFlag(name).replace(/^--no-/, "--") }" can only occur once, but was found several times.`, ); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, DuplicateOption.prototype); }}
export class UnknownOption extends ValidationError { constructor(option: string, options: Array<IFlagOptions>) { super( `Unknown option "${getFlag(option)}".${ didYouMeanOption(option, options) }`, ); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, UnknownOption.prototype); }}
export class MissingOptionValue extends ValidationError { constructor(option: string) { super(`Missing value for option "${getFlag(option)}".`); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, MissingOptionValue.prototype); }}
export class InvalidOptionValue extends ValidationError { constructor(option: string, expected: string, value: string) { super( `Option "${ getFlag(option) }" must be of type "${expected}", but got "${value}".`, ); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidOptionValue.prototype); }}
export class OptionNotCombinable extends ValidationError { constructor(option: string) { super(`Option "${getFlag(option)}" cannot be combined with other options.`); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, OptionNotCombinable.prototype); }}
export class ConflictingOption extends ValidationError { constructor(option: string, conflictingOption: string) { super( `Option "${getFlag(option)}" conflicts with option "${ getFlag(conflictingOption) }".`, ); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ConflictingOption.prototype); }}
export class DependingOption extends ValidationError { constructor(option: string, dependingOption: string) { super( `Option "${getFlag(option)}" depends on option "${ getFlag(dependingOption) }".`, ); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, DependingOption.prototype); }}
export class MissingRequiredOption extends ValidationError { constructor(option: string) { super(`Missing required option "${getFlag(option)}".`); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, MissingRequiredOption.prototype); }}
export class RequiredArgumentFollowsOptionalArgument extends ValidationError { constructor(arg: string) { super( `An required argument cannot follow an optional argument, but "${arg}" is defined as required.`, ); Object.setPrototypeOf( this, RequiredArgumentFollowsOptionalArgument.prototype, ); }}
export class ArgumentFollowsVariadicArgument extends ValidationError { constructor(arg: string) { super(`An argument cannot follow an variadic argument, but got "${arg}".`); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ArgumentFollowsVariadicArgument.prototype); }}
export class NoArguments extends ValidationError { constructor() { super(`No arguments.`); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, NoArguments.prototype); }}
export class InvalidTypeError extends ValidationError { constructor( { label, name, value, type }: ITypeInfo, expected?: Array<string | number>, ) { super( `${label} "${name}" must be of type "${type}", but got "${value}".` + ( expected ? ` Expected values: ${ => `"${value}"`).join(", ") }` : "" ), ); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, MissingOptionValue.prototype); }}