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Generate color based on the given string (using HSL color space and SHA256).
import {assertEquals, assert} from '';import {generate as generateUUID} from '';import {HSL2RGB, RGB2HEX} from './lib/colors.ts';import ColorHash from './mod.ts';
Deno.test("ColorHash#Hue: should return the hash color based on default hue", () => { const hash = new ColorHash(); for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const hue = hash.hsl(generateUUID())[0]; assertEquals(hue >= 0 && hue < 359, true); // hash % 359 means max 358 }})
Deno.test("ColorHash#Hue: should return the hash color based on given hue value", () => { const hash = new ColorHash({hue: 10}); for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const hue = hash.hsl(generateUUID())[0]; assertEquals(hue, 10); }})
Deno.test("ColorHash#Hue: should return the hash color based on given hue range", () => { for (let min = 0; min < 361; min += 60) { for (let max = min + 1; max < 361; max += 60) { const hash = new ColorHash({hue: {min, max}}); for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const hue = hash.hsl(generateUUID())[0]; assertEquals(hue >= min && hue < max, true); } } }})
Deno.test("ColorHash#Hue: should work for multiple hue ranges", () => { var ranges = [ {min: 30, max: 90}, {min: 180, max: 210}, {min: 270, max: 285} ]; const hash = new ColorHash({hue: ranges}); for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const hue = hash.hsl(generateUUID())[0]; assertEquals(ranges.some((range) => hue >= range.min && hue < range.max), true); }})
Deno.test("ColorHash#LS: should return color based on given lightness and saturation", () => { const hash = new ColorHash({lightness: 0.5, saturation: 0.5}); const [h, s, l] = hash.hsl(generateUUID()); assertEquals(s, 0.5); assertEquals(l, 0.5);})
Deno.test("ColorHash should return the hash color based on given lightness array and saturation array", () => { const hash = new ColorHash({ lightness: [0.9, 1], saturation: [0.9, 1] }) const [h, s, l] = hash.hsl(generateUUID()); assertEquals([0.9, 1].includes(s), true); assertEquals([0.9, 1].includes(l), true);})
Deno.test("Custom hash function", () => { const customHash = function (str: string) { var hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { hash += str.charCodeAt(i); } return hash; };
const hash = new ColorHash({hash: customHash}); const h = customHash('abc') % 359;
assertEquals(hash.hsl('abc')[0], h);})