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[WIP] WebGPU API implementation for Deno, built using Dawn with FFI.
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interface WGPUDeviceProperties
import { type WGPUDeviceProperties } from "";


deviceID: number
vendorID: number
adapterType: wgpu.WGPUAdapterType
textureCompressionBC: boolean
textureCompressionETC2: boolean
textureCompressionASTC: boolean
shaderFloat16: boolean
pipelineStatisticsQuery: boolean
timestampQuery: boolean
multiPlanarFormats: boolean
depthClamping: boolean
depth24UnormStencil8: boolean
depth32FloatStencil8: boolean
invalidFeature: boolean
dawnInternalUsages: boolean
dawnNative: boolean
limits: wgpu.WGPUSupportedLimits