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Deno Context Finder

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A Deno port of context-finder

A CLI scripting tool to extract context blocks from a configuration file.

  • Deno version: v1.0.5
  • std version: 0.56.0



  • Zero dependencies
  • No installations required
  • Can be used from the CLI or as an import

Use Case

Proves useful for extracting context blocks from Asterisk configuration files

You have .conf file that holds context blocks for certain configurations. That file might look like this:

name = Edward
language = en

name = John
language = us

name = Admin Edward

name = Admin John

name = Admin

You want to create a new configuration file using some blocks from the above file. You might want to pull only admin blocks, and if you are trying to be very specific, you might want to only pull admin-1* blocks.

This is where Deno Content Finder comes in.

How it Works

Contexts are matched based on if the title contains the given parameters. This means that a single argument can match multiple context blocks, and will then write those collected to a file


Passing in version-1. as an argument will match version-1., version-1.1, version-1.two and so on.


  • Deno version 1.0.4


This module is available as a CLI tool or a dependency.


  • Import the module into your deps.ts file:

    import { contextFinder } from "";

  • Gather your data and Run

const contextsToFind = ['version-1.', 'version-4.']
const fileToRead = 'all-contexts.txt' // this file must exist
const fileToWrite = 'some-contexts.txt' // does not need to exist, and will overwrite

contextFinder(contextsToFind, fileToRead, fileToWrite)


deno run --allow-read --allow-write <file to read> <file to write to> <context title 1> <context-title 2> ...

Built With

  • Deno - Runtime Environment