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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
function nvim_get_option_info2
import { nvim_get_option_info2 } from "";

Gets the option information for one option from arbitrary buffer or window

Resulting dictionary has keys:

  • name: Name of the option (like 'filetype')
  • shortname: Shortened name of the option (like 'ft')
  • type: type of option ("string", "number" or "boolean")
  • default: The default value for the option
  • was_set: Whether the option was set.
  • last_set_sid: Last set script id (if any)
  • last_set_linenr: line number where option was set
  • last_set_chan: Channel where option was set (0 for local)
  • scope: one of "global", "win", or "buf"
  • global_local: whether win or buf option has a global value
  • commalist: List of comma separated values
  • flaglist: List of single char flags

When {scope} is not provided, the last set information applies to the local value in the current buffer or window if it is available, otherwise the global value information is returned. This behavior can be disabled by explicitly specifying {scope} in the {opts} table.


  • {name} Option name
  • {opts} Optional parameters - scope: One of "global" or "local". Analogous to :setglobal and :setlocal, respectively. - win: window-ID. Used for getting window local options. - buf: Buffer number. Used for getting buffer local options. Implies {scope} is "local".

Return: Option Information


denops: Denops
name: unknown
opts: unknown

