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A discord API wrapper written using TypeScript for deno.

This library is in its pre-alpha state. For now, you can connect the discord bot to the discord servers. The library will automatically handle sharding for you. A sample bot written in the library is given below.

// Import the client from github.
import { Client } from '';

// Instantiate a new client.
const client = new Client();

// Handle debug messages
client.on('debug', console.log);

// Handle raw websocket events
client.on('raw', (raw: any) => {
    console.log(`Event fired: ${raw.t}`);

// Handle ready event.
client.on('ready', () => {
   console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`);

client.login('My bot token here!', {
    status: 'dnd'

You can also send ws messages using the wsSend() method of the client. For example: -

    op: 3,
    d: {
        status: 'dnd',
        afk: false,
        game: {
            name: 'descord',
            type: 4

For making http request to the discord’s REST API, you can use the built-in fetch API system or use the client’s HTTPClient as shown below: -

let user = await client.http.get('/users/374886124126208000');
if (user.status === 200) console.log(user.body);
else console.error(user.statusText);