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πŸ¦• Deno Deploy Docs πŸ““
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import { lookupMimeType, parseYaml, sortBy } from "./deps.ts";import { Marked } from "./marked.ts";import { genResponseArgs, getH1, toTitle } from "./utils.ts";import { renderPage } from "./render.ts";
export const defaultConfig = { sourceDir: "docs", rootFile: "index", lang: "en", siteName: "Built by Diplodocus", description: "This site is built by Diplodocus", favicon: "", image: "", twitter: "", navLinks: [] as Array<NavLink>, listPages: [] as Array<PageLink>, tocLevels: [2, 3], removeDefaultStyles: false, bottomHead: "", bottomBody: "",};export type Config = typeof defaultConfig;export type UserConfig = Partial<Config>;
export type NavLink = { title: string; path?: string; items?: Array<NavLink>;};export type ListPage = { title: string; path: string; items: Array<PageLink>;};export type PageLink = { title: string; path: string;};export type PageMeta = { prev?: PageLink; next?: PageLink; date?: string; tag?: Array<string>; title?: string; tocLevels?: Array<number>; lang?: string; description?: string; favicon?: string; image?: string; removeDefaultStyles?: boolean; bottomHead?: string; bottomBody?: string;};
export class Diplodocus { private storedPages: Record<string, string> = {}; private storedMeta: Record<string, PageMeta> = {}; private config: Config;
private constructor(userConfig: UserConfig = {}) { this.config = { ...defaultConfig, ...userConfig }; }
static async load() { try { let userConfig: UserConfig = {};
const files: string[] = []; for await (const file of Deno.readDir(Deno.cwd())) { if (!file.isFile || !/^diplodocus\.\w{2,4}$/.test( { continue; } files.push(; } // console.log(files); for (const ext of ["yaml", "yml", "json"]) { const configFile = `diplodocus.${ext}`; if (files.includes(configFile)) { userConfig = parseYaml( await Deno.readTextFile(configFile), ) as UserConfig; break; } }
const instance = new Diplodocus(userConfig); await instance.processStoredData(); return instance; } catch (error) { console.error("Diplodocus load failed"); throw error; } }
private async collectList( listPath: string, sortKey: "path" | "title" = "path", ) { const listDir = `${this.config.sourceDir}${listPath}`; // console.log({ listDir }); const pages: Array<PageLink> = []; for await (const page of Deno.readDir(listDir)) { if (!page.isFile || !/\.md$/.test( { continue; } const { name } = page; const basename = name.replace(/\.md$/, "");
const md = await Deno.readTextFile(`${listDir}/${name}`); const { content, meta } = Marked.parse(md); const title = meta.title || getH1(content) || toTitle(basename);
pages.push({ title, path: `${listPath}/${basename}` }); }
// TODO: configure sortKey return sortBy(pages, (page) => page[sortKey]); }
private async processStoredData() { this.storedPages = {}; this.storedMeta = {};
const { listPages, sourceDir } = this.config; for (let { title, path } of listPages) { if (!path) { console.error("path of listPages is required"); continue; } if (!/^\/.*/.test(path)) { path = "/" + path; } if (!title) { title = toTitle(path); }
const filePath = `${sourceDir}${path}.md`; this.storedMeta[filePath] ||= {};
const pages = await this.collectList(path); console.log({ pages });
// generate list pages this.storedPages[filePath] = [ `# ${title}`,{ title, path }) => `- [${title}](${path})`), ].join("\n");
this.storedMeta[filePath].tocLevels = [];
// generate prev/next links pages.forEach(({ path }, idx) => { const itemFilePath = `${sourceDir}${path}.md`;
this.storedMeta[itemFilePath] ||= {};
if (pages[idx - 1]) { this.storedMeta[itemFilePath].prev = pages[idx - 1]; } if (pages[idx + 1]) { this.storedMeta[itemFilePath].next = pages[idx + 1]; } }); }
console.log({ listPages, storedPages: this.storedPages, storedMeta: this.storedMeta, }); }
private async readData( filePath: string, pageUrl: string, parseMd = false, ): Promise<BodyInit> { console.log({ filePath, parseMd }); const storedPage = this.storedPages[filePath]; if (storedPage) { const { content, meta } = Marked.parse(storedPage); const storedMeta = this.storedMeta[filePath] || {}; const pageMeta = { ...storedMeta, ...meta }; console.log({ meta, pageMeta }); return renderPage({ content, pageMeta, siteMeta: this.config, pageUrl }); }
try { const data = await Deno.readFile(filePath);
if (filePath.endsWith(".md") && parseMd) { const md = new TextDecoder().decode(data); const storedMeta = this.storedMeta[filePath] || {}; const { content, meta } = Marked.parse(md);
const pageMeta = { ...storedMeta, ...meta }; console.log({ meta, pageMeta });
return renderPage({ content, pageMeta, siteMeta: this.config, pageUrl, }); }
return data; } catch (error) { const subject = `${error}`.split(":")[0];
if (subject === "NotFound" && filePath.endsWith(".html")) { return this.readData(filePath.replace(/html$/, "md"), pageUrl, true); }
// in other cases, throw error transparency throw error; } }
async handler(request: Request) { const url = new URL(request.url); const { href, origin, host, hash, search } = url; let { pathname } = url;
console.log({ href, origin, host, pathname, hash, search });
if (pathname === "/") { pathname += this.config.rootFile; } else if (pathname.endsWith("/")) { return new Response( ...genResponseArgs(302, { headers: { location: pathname.slice(0, -1) }, }), ); }
const tailPath = pathname.split("/").at(-1) || ""; let ext = tailPath.includes(".") ? tailPath.split(".").at(-1) : "";
if (!ext) { pathname += ".html"; ext = "html"; }
const mimeType = lookupMimeType(ext); const filePath = `${this.config.sourceDir}${pathname}`;
console.log({ pathname, ext, mimeType, filePath });
if (!mimeType) { return new Response(...genResponseArgs(400)); }
try { const data = await this.readData(filePath, href);
return new Response(data, { headers: { "content-type": mimeType }, }); } catch (error) { console.error(error);
const subject = `${error}`.split(":")[0]; if (subject === "NotFound") { return new Response(...genResponseArgs(404)); }
return new Response(...genResponseArgs(500)); } }}