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Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version
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/** * */export type Snowflake = string;
/** * * @internal */export type Permissions = string;
/** * */export const FormattingPatterns = { /** * Regular expression for matching a user mention, strictly without a nickname * * The `id` group property is present on the `exec` result of this expression */ User: /<@(?<id>\d{17,20})>/, /** * Regular expression for matching a user mention, strictly with a nickname * * The `id` group property is present on the `exec` result of this expression * @deprecated Passing `!` in user mentions is no longer necessary / supported, and future message contents won't have it */ UserWithNickname: /<@!(?<id>\d{17,20})>/, /** * Regular expression for matching a user mention, with or without a nickname * * The `id` group property is present on the `exec` result of this expression * @deprecated Passing `!` in user mentions is no longer necessary / supported, and future message contents won't have it */ UserWithOptionalNickname: /<@!?(?<id>\d{17,20})>/, /** * Regular expression for matching a channel mention * * The `id` group property is present on the `exec` result of this expression */ Channel: /<#(?<id>\d{17,20})>/, /** * Regular expression for matching a role mention * * The `id` group property is present on the `exec` result of this expression */ Role: /<@&(?<id>\d{17,20})>/, /** * Regular expression for matching a application command mention * * The `fullName` (possibly including `name`, `subcommandOrGroup` and `subcommand`) and `id` group properties are present on the `exec` result of this expression */ SlashCommand: /<\/(?<fullName>(?<name>[-_\p{Letter}\p{Number}\p{sc=Deva}\p{sc=Thai}]{1,32})(?: (?<subcommandOrGroup>[-_\p{Letter}\p{Number}\p{sc=Deva}\p{sc=Thai}]{1,32}))?(?: (?<subcommand>[-_\p{Letter}\p{Number}\p{sc=Deva}\p{sc=Thai}]{1,32}))?):(?<id>\d{17,20})>/u, /** * Regular expression for matching a custom emoji, either static or animated * * The `animated`, `name` and `id` group properties are present on the `exec` result of this expression */ Emoji: /<(?<animated>a)?:(?<name>\w{2,32}):(?<id>\d{17,20})>/, /** * Regular expression for matching strictly an animated custom emoji * * The `animated`, `name` and `id` group properties are present on the `exec` result of this expression */ AnimatedEmoji: /<(?<animated>a):(?<name>\w{2,32}):(?<id>\d{17,20})>/, /** * Regular expression for matching strictly a static custom emoji * * The `name` and `id` group properties are present on the `exec` result of this expression */ StaticEmoji: /<:(?<name>\w{2,32}):(?<id>\d{17,20})>/, /** * Regular expression for matching a timestamp, either default or custom styled * * The `timestamp` and `style` group properties are present on the `exec` result of this expression */ Timestamp: /<t:(?<timestamp>-?\d{1,13})(:(?<style>[tTdDfFR]))?>/, /** * Regular expression for matching strictly default styled timestamps * * The `timestamp` group property is present on the `exec` result of this expression */ DefaultStyledTimestamp: /<t:(?<timestamp>-?\d{1,13})>/, /** * Regular expression for matching strictly custom styled timestamps * * The `timestamp` and `style` group properties are present on the `exec` result of this expression */ StyledTimestamp: /<t:(?<timestamp>-?\d{1,13}):(?<style>[tTdDfFR])>/,} as const;
/** * Freezes the formatting patterns * @internal */Object.freeze(FormattingPatterns);