The absolute minimum to make JSON Web Tokens in deno. Based on JWT and JWS specifications.
This library is accessible through the service.
To generate JWTs which look in their finalized form like this (with line breaks for display purposes only)
… we use the mandatory compact serialization process where a web token is represented as the concatenation of
'BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))' || '.' || 'BASE64URL(JWS Payload)' ||'.'|| 'BASE64URL(JWS Signature)'
Cryptographic Algorithm
The following signature and MAC algorithms - which are defined in the JSON Web
Algorithms (JWA) specification -
have been implemented already: HMAC SHA-256 (“HS256”), HMAC SHA-512
(“HS512”) and none
(Unsecured JWTs).
As soon as deno expands its
crypto library, we will
add more algorithms.
Expiration Time
The optional exp claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing. This library checks if the current date/time is before the expiration date/time listed in the exp claim.
Critical Header
This library supports the Critical Header Parameter crit which is described in the JWS specification here.
Look up this example to see how the crit header parameter works.
The API consists mostly of the two functions makeJwt
and validateJwt
generating and validating a JWT, respectively.
makeJwt({ key: string, header: Jose, payload: Payload }): Promise<string>
The function makeJwt
returns the url-safe encoded JWT as promise.
validateJwt({ jwt: string, key: string, algorithm: Algorithm | Algorithm[], critHandlers?: Handlers }): Promise<JwtValidation>
The function validateJwt
returns a promise. This promise resolves to an
object with a union type where the boolean property isValid
serves as
If the JWT is valid (.isValid === true
), the type of the resolved promise
{ isValid: true; header: Jose; payload: Payload; signature: string; jwt: string; critResult?: unknown[] }
If the JWT is invalid, the promise resolves to
{ isValid: false; jwt: unknown; error: JwtError; isExpired: boolean }
setExpiration(exp: number | Date): number
Additionally there is the helper function setExpiration
which simplifies
setting an expiration date. It takes either an Date
object or a number (in
seconds) as argument.
// A specific date:
setExpiration(new Date("2025-07-01"));
// One hour from now:
setExpiration(60 * 60);
Run the following server example with deno run -A example.ts
The server will respond to a GET request with a newly created JWT.
On the other hand, if you send a JWT as data along with a POST request, the
server will check the validity of the JWT.
Always use versioned imports for your dependencies. For
import { serve } from "";
import { validateJwt } from "";
import { makeJwt, setExpiration, Jose, Payload } from "";
const key = "your-secret";
const payload: Payload = {
iss: "joe",
exp: setExpiration(60),
const header: Jose = {
alg: "HS256",
typ: "JWT",
console.log("server is listening at");
for await (const req of serve("")) {
if (req.method === "GET") {
req.respond({ body: (await makeJwt({ header, payload, key })) + "\n" });
} else {
const jwt = new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readAll(req.body));
(await validateJwt({ jwt, key, algorithm: "HS256" })).isValid
? req.respond({ body: "Valid JWT\n" })
: req.respond({ body: "Invalid JWT\n", status: 401 });
To see how djwt can be implemented further, you can find a djwt middleware implementation for the Oak framework here.
Every kind of contribution to this project is highly appreciated.
Please run deno fmt
on the changed files before making a pull request.