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A microframework for building JavaScript HTTP applications. Runtime-agnostic. Strongly typed.

Drash Tests

This document outlines:

  • descriptions of the test directories;
  • intent behind the tests; and
  • how to run the tests.


Compat tests assert compatibility in runtimes. They assert request flows using native APIs and polyfills provided by Drash.



You have Bun (latest v0.x) installed.

How to run tests

$ deno task test:compat:bun



You have Deno (latest v1.x) installed.

How to run tests

$ deno task test:compat:deno



  • You have Node installed.
  • You built the CJS and ESM modules using deno task build:libs.
    • The tests import code from Drash’s built modules, not the code in the src directory. Reason being we want the compat testing to include importing the modules that will be published to the npm registry.
    • The tests will not run without deno task build:libs being used first.

Node versions used

The tests are split by Node version in separate directories (e.g., node-v16.x, node-v18.x, etc.). When you run the Node compat tests, the directory that will be used will be based on the Node version you are using. For example, if you are using Node 16, then the node-v16.x directory will be used and the node-v18.x directory will be ignored.

Using nvm (download it at can make it easier for you to switch between Node versions to test in specific Node versions (e.g., nvm use 16 to use Node 16 or nvm use 18 to use Node 18).

How to run tests

$ yarn install
$ deno task build:all
$ deno task test:compat:node


Unit tests make assertions against Core, Standard, and Modules.

How to run tests

$ deno task test:unit