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$ npm install --save @retraigo/duration.js # NPM
$ pnpm install @retraigo/duration.js # PNPM


Basic Usage

import Duration from "@retraigo/duration.js"; // Node
import Duration from "" // Deno

const Duration = await import("@retraigo/duration.js") // Node with CommonJS

new Duration(); // Get duration since midnight

new Duration(3545346); // A random duration

new Duration(0); // Just 0

new Duration(-1); // Negative duration returns 0 too

From Text

Duration.fromString("1m2s") // Duration {d:0, h:0, m:1, s:2, ms:0}

Duration.fromString("4090 sec 4939  days 7342  hour 2324milliseconds 4344 min") // // Duration {d: 5246, h: 13, m: 52, s: 12, ms: 324 }

You can also get the entire Duration in milliseconds through the raw property.

const dur = Duration.fromString("4090 sec 4939  days 7342  hour 2324milliseconds 4344 min")
dur.raw // 453304332324


Duration { 
    raw: 0 // Original milliseconds passed to the constructor
    d: 0, // Days
    h: 0, // Hours
    m: 0, // Minutes
    s: 0, // Seconds
    ms: 0 // Milliseconds



toString() returns a simplified version of stringify() despite not looking nice at all. Simply exists.

new Duration(261174).toString();
// `[Duration 0d 0h 4m 21s]`

stringify([values] [,short])

stringify() returns a formatted string of the duration object. It has two optional parameters. values - An array of values to include. Should be one of ['d', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms']. Defaults to the array I mentioned a few words ago. short - true if the function should return letters instead of words (I suck at explaining). Defaults to false.

new Duration(165684).stringify();
// `0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, 45 seconds, 684 milliseconds`
new Duration(165684).stringify(['s', 'h']);
// `0 hours, 45 seconds`
new Duration(165684).stringify(['s', 'h'], true);
// `0h 45s`

get json()

Returns a JSON version of the class with just the main stuff.

new Duration(114750).json;
// `{ d: 0, h: 0, m: 1, s: 54, ms: 750 }`

get array()

Returns an array of objects with type and value.

new Duration(245074).array;
       { type: 'd', value: 0 },
       { type: 'h', value: 0 },
       { type: 'm', value: 4 },
       { type: 's', value: 5 },
       { type: 'ms', value: 74 }