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// deno-lint-ignore no-namespaceexport namespace ExpectedExports { /** Set configuration is called after we have modified and saved the configuration in the embassy ui. Use this to make a file for the docker to read from for configuration. */ export type setConfig = ( effects: Effects, input: Config, ) => Promise<ResultType<SetResult>>; /** Get configuration returns a shape that describes the format that the embassy ui will generate, and later send to the set config */ export type getConfig = (effects: Effects) => Promise<ResultType<ConfigRes>>; /** These are how we make sure the our dependency configurations are valid and if not how to fix them. */ export type dependencies = Dependencies; /** Properties are used to get values from the docker, like a username + password, what ports we are hosting from */ export type properties = ( effects: Effects, ) => Promise<ResultType<Properties>>;
export type health = { /** Should be the health check id */ [id: string]: ( effects: Effects, dateMs: number, ) => Promise<ResultType<null | void>>; }; export type migration = ( effects: Effects, version: string, ) => Promise<ResultType<MigrationRes>>;}

/** Used to reach out from the pure js runtime */export type Effects = { /** Usable when not sandboxed */ writeFile( input: { path: string; volumeId: string; toWrite: string }, ): Promise<void>; readFile(input: { volumeId: string; path: string }): Promise<string>; metadata(input: { volumeId: string; path: string }): Promise<Metadata>; /** Create a directory. Usable when not sandboxed */ createDir(input: { volumeId: string; path: string }): Promise<string>; /** Remove a directory. Usable when not sandboxed */ removeDir(input: { volumeId: string; path: string }): Promise<string>; removeFile(input: { volumeId: string; path: string }): Promise<void>;
/** Write a json file into an object. Usable when not sandboxed */ writeJsonFile( input: { volumeId: string; path: string; toWrite: Record<string, unknown> }, ): Promise<void>;
/** Read a json file into an object */ readJsonFile(input: { volumeId: string; path: string }): Promise<Record<string, unknown>>;
/** Log at the trace level */ trace(whatToPrint: string): void; /** Log at the warn level */ warn(whatToPrint: string): void; /** Log at the error level */ error(whatToPrint: string): void; /** Log at the debug level */ debug(whatToPrint: string): void; /** Log at the info level */ info(whatToPrint: string): void;
/** Sandbox mode lets us read but not write */ is_sandboxed(): boolean;
exists(input: { volumeId: string; path: string }): Promise<boolean>;
};export type Metadata = { fileType: string, isDir: boolean, isFile: boolean, isSymlink: boolean, len: number, modified?: Date, accessed?: Date, created?: Date, readonly: boolean, uid: number, gid: number, mode: number}
export type MigrationRes = { configured: boolean;};
export type ActionResult = { version: "0"; message: string; value?: string; copyable: boolean; qr: boolean;};
export type ConfigRes = { /** This should be the previous config, that way during set config we start with the previous */ config?: Config; /** Shape that is describing the form in the ui */ spec: ConfigSpec;};export type Config = { [propertyName: string]: unknown;};
export type ConfigSpec = { /** Given a config value, define what it should render with the following spec */ [configValue: string]: ValueSpecAny;};export type WithDefault<T, Default> = T & { default?: Default;};
export type WithDescription<T> = T & { description?: string; name: string; warning?: string;};
export type ListSpec<T> = { spec: T; range: string;};
export type Tag<T extends string, V> = V & { type: T;};
export type Subtype<T extends string, V> = V & { subtype: T;};
export type Target<T extends string, V> = V & { target: T;};
export type UniqueBy = | { any: UniqueBy[]; } | string | null;
export type WithNullable<T> = T & { nullable: boolean;};export type DefaultString = | string | { /** The chars available for the randome generation */ charset?: string; /** Length that we generate to */ len: number; };
export type ValueSpecString = & ( // deno-lint-ignore ban-types | {} | { pattern: string; "pattern-description": string; } ) & { copyable?: boolean; masked?: boolean; placeholder?: string; };export type ValueSpecNumber = { /** Something like [3,6] or [0, *) */ range?: string; integral?: boolean; /** Used a description of the units */ units?: string; placeholder?: number;};export type ValueSpecBoolean = Record<string, unknown>;export type ValueSpecAny = | Tag<"boolean", WithDescription<WithDefault<ValueSpecBoolean, boolean>>> | Tag< "string", WithDescription<WithDefault<WithNullable<ValueSpecString>, DefaultString>> > | Tag< "number", WithDescription<WithDefault<WithNullable<ValueSpecNumber>, number>> > | Tag< "enum", WithDescription< WithDefault< { values: string[]; "value-names": { [key: string]: string; }; }, string > > > | Tag<"list", ValueSpecList> | Tag<"object", WithDescription<WithDefault<ValueSpecObject, Config>>> | Tag<"union", WithDescription<WithDefault<ValueSpecUnion, string>>> | Tag< "pointer", WithDescription< | Subtype< "package", | Target< "tor-key", { "package-id": string; interface: string; } > | Target< "tor-address", { "package-id": string; interface: string; } > | Target< "lan-address", { "package-id": string; interface: string; } > | Target< "config", { "package-id": string; selector: string; multi: boolean; } > > | Subtype<"system", Record<string, unknown>> > >;export type ValueSpecUnion = { /** What tag for the specification, for tag unions */ tag: { id: string; name: string; description?: string; "variant-names": { [key: string]: string; }; }; /** The possible enum values */ variants: { [key: string]: ConfigSpec; }; "display-as"?: string; "unique-by"?: UniqueBy;};export type ValueSpecObject = { spec: ConfigSpec; "display-as"?: string; "unique-by"?: UniqueBy;};export type ValueSpecList = | Subtype< "boolean", WithDescription<WithDefault<ListSpec<ValueSpecBoolean>, boolean[]>> > | Subtype< "string", WithDescription<WithDefault<ListSpec<ValueSpecString>, string[]>> > | Subtype< "number", WithDescription<WithDefault<ListSpec<ValueSpecNumber>, number[]>> > | Subtype< "enum", WithDescription< WithDefault< ListSpec< ValueSpecEnum >, string[] > > > | Subtype< "object", WithDescription<WithDefault<ListSpec<ValueSpecObject>, Record<string, unknown>[]>> > | Subtype< "union", WithDescription<WithDefault<ListSpec<ValueSpecUnion>, string[]>> >;export type ValueSpecEnum = { values: string[]; "value-names": { [key: string]: string };};
export type SetResult = { /** These are the unix process signals */ signal: | "SIGTERM" | "SIGHUP" | "SIGINT" | "SIGQUIT" | "SIGILL" | "SIGTRAP" | "SIGABRT" | "SIGBUS" | "SIGFPE" | "SIGKILL" | "SIGUSR1" | "SIGSEGV" | "SIGUSR2" | "SIGPIPE" | "SIGALRM" | "SIGSTKFLT" | "SIGCHLD" | "SIGCONT" | "SIGSTOP" | "SIGTSTP" | "SIGTTIN" | "SIGTTOU" | "SIGURG" | "SIGXCPU" | "SIGXFSZ" | "SIGVTALRM" | "SIGPROF" | "SIGWINCH" | "SIGIO" | "SIGPWR" | "SIGSYS" | "SIGEMT" | "SIGINFO"; "depends-on": DependsOn};
export type DependsOn = { [packageId: string]: string[];};
export type KnownError = { error: string } | { "error-code": [number, string] | readonly [number, string];};export type ResultType<T> = KnownError | { result: T };
export type PackagePropertiesV2 = { [name: string]: PackagePropertyObject | PackagePropertyString;};export type PackagePropertyString = { type: "string"; description?: string; value: string; /** Let's the ui make this copyable button */ copyable?: boolean; /** Let the ui create a qr for this field */ qr?: boolean; /** Hiding the value unless toggled off for field */ masked?: boolean;};export type PackagePropertyObject = { value: PackagePropertiesV2; type: "object"; description: string;};
export type Properties = { version: 2; data: PackagePropertiesV2;};
export type Dependencies = { /** Id is the id of the package, should be the same as the manifest */ [id: string]: { /** Checks are called to make sure that our dependency is in the correct shape. If a known error is returned we know that the dependency needs modification */ check(effects: Effects, input: Config): Promise<ResultType<void | null>>; /** This is called after we know that the dependency package needs a new configuration, this would be a transform for defaults */ autoConfigure(effects: Effects, input: Config): Promise<ResultType<Config>>; };};