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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import { assert } from "";import { is } from "";import { ReduceArguments, toReduceArguments } from "./reduceify.ts";
function arrPartitionImpl<ArrOf, U extends ArrOf>( arr: readonly ArrOf[], matcher: (entry: ArrOf) => entry is U): [U[], Exclude<ArrOf, U>[]] {
return arr.reduce<[U[], Exclude<ArrOf, U>[]]>((previousValue, currentValue) => {
if (matcher(currentValue)) {
} else {
//NOTE: Should be deduced by the compiler assert(is<Exclude<ArrOf, U>>(currentValue));
return previousValue;
}, [[], []]);
export function arrPartition<ArrOf, U extends ArrOf>(arr: readonly ArrOf[], matcher: (entry: ArrOf) => entry is U): [U[], Exclude<ArrOf, U>[]];export function arrPartition<ArrOf>(arr: readonly ArrOf[], matcher: (entry: ArrOf) => boolean): [ArrOf[], ArrOf[]];export function arrPartition<ArrOf>(arr: readonly ArrOf[], matcher: (entry: ArrOf) => boolean): [ArrOf[], ArrOf[]] { return arrPartitionImpl(arr, (entry: ArrOf): entry is ArrOf => matcher(entry));}
export function partition<ArrOf, U extends ArrOf>( matcher: (entry: ArrOf) => entry is U): ReduceArguments<ArrOf, [U[], Exclude<ArrOf, U>[]]>;export function partition<ArrOf>( matcher: (entry: ArrOf) => boolean): ReduceArguments<ArrOf, [ArrOf[], ArrOf[]]>;export function partition<ArrOf>( matcher: (entry: ArrOf) => boolean): ReduceArguments<ArrOf, [ArrOf[], ArrOf[]]> | ReduceArguments<ArrOf, [any[], Exclude<ArrOf, any>[]]> { return toReduceArguments<ArrOf, [ArrOf[], ArrOf[]], [(entry: ArrOf) => boolean]>(arrPartition, matcher);}