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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { Esbuild } from "../build/esbuild.ts";import { addSalt, exportCryptoKey, keyPromise, reverseString, SALT,} from "../crypto/key.ts";
import { ConnInfo, contentType, extname, Handler, JSX, renderToString, Status, STATUS_TEXT, toHashString,} from "./deps.ts";
import { Render } from "./render.tsx";import { version } from "./version.ts";
type ServerHandler = Deno.ServeHandler | Handler;
type HandlerArgument = | ServerHandler | RequestHandler | MiddlewareArgument;
export interface Next { (error?: Error, data?: unknown): unknown;}
export type Hook = ( server: Fastro, request: Request, info: Info,) => Response | Promise<Response>;export class HttpRequest extends Request { record!: Record<string, any>; match?: URLPatternResult | null; params?: Record<string, string | undefined>; query?: Record<string, string>; [key: string]: any;}
export type Info = Deno.ServeHandlerInfo | ConnInfo;
type Meta = { name?: string; content?: string; charset?: string; property?: string; itemprop?: string;};
type Script = { type?: string; src?: string; crossorigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "" | undefined; nonce?: string; integrity?: string;};
type Link = { href?: string; as?: string; onload?: any; rel?: string; integrity?: string; media?: string; crossorigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "" | undefined;};
type NoScriptLink = { rel?: string; href?: string;};
type ModuleFunction = (f: Fastro) => Fastro;
export type RenderOptions = { build?: boolean; cache?: boolean; pageFolder?: string; status?: number; props?: any; development?: boolean; html?: { lang?: string; class?: string; style?: JSX.CSSProperties; head?: { title?: string; descriptions?: string; meta?: Meta[]; script?: Script[]; link?: Link[]; headStyle?: string; headScript?: string; noScriptLink?: NoScriptLink; }; body?: { class?: string; style?: JSX.CSSProperties; script?: Script[]; root: { class?: string; style?: JSX.CSSProperties; }; }; };};
export const hydrateFolder = ".hydrate";
export class Context { server!: Fastro; info!: Info; [key: string]: any; render!: (options?: RenderOptions) => Response | Promise<Response>; send!: (data: unknown, status?: number) => Response | Promise<Response>;}
type RequestHandler = ( request: HttpRequest, ctx: Context,) => | Response | Promise<Response>;
type MiddlewareArgument = ( request: HttpRequest, ctx: Context, next: Next,) => | Promise<unknown> | unknown;
type RouteNest = { handler: HandlerArgument; method?: string; pathname?: string; params?: Record<string, string | undefined>; query?: Record<string, string>; match?: URLPatternResult; element?: Component; handlers?: Array<MiddlewareArgument>;};
type Route = { method: string; path: string; handler: HandlerArgument;};
type Middleware = { method?: string; path?: string; handler: MiddlewareArgument;};
export type Component = FunctionComponent | JSX.Element;
export type FunctionComponent = (props?: any) => JSX.Element;type Page = { path: string; element: Component; handlers: Array<MiddlewareArgument>;};
export interface Fastro { /** * Immediately close the server listeners and associated HTTP connections. * @returns void */ close: () => void; /** * Add application level middleware * * ### Example * * ```ts * import fastro from "../mod.ts"; * * const f = new fastro(); * f.use((req: HttpRequest, _ctx: Context, next: Next) => { * console.log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`); * return next(); * }); * * await f.serve(); * ``` * @param handler */ use(...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; get(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; post(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; put(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; delete(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; patch(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; options(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; head(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; /** * Allow you access Server, Request, and Info after Middleware, Routes, Pages, and Static File Processing. * It can return `Response`, `Promise<Response>` or `void`. * * ### Example * * ```ts * import fastro, { Fastro, Info } from "../mod.ts"; * * const f = new fastro(); * * f.hook((_f: Fastro, _r: Request, _i: Info) => new Response("Hello World")); * * await f.serve(); * ``` * * @param hook */ hook(hook: Hook): Fastro; /** * Allow you to access static files with custom `path`, `folder`, `maxAge`, and `referer` checking. * * ### Example * * ```ts * import fastro from "../mod.ts"; * * const f = new fastro(); * * f.static("/static", { folder: "static", maxAge: 90, referer: true }); * * await f.serve(); * ``` * @param path * @param options */ static( path: string, options?: { maxAge?: number; folder?: string; referer?: boolean }, ): Fastro; /** * Allow you to define SSR page with custom `path`, `element`, and `handler` * * ### Example * * ```ts * import fastro, { Context, HttpRequest } from "../mod.ts"; * import user from "../pages/user.tsx"; * * const f = new fastro(); * * f.static("/static", { folder: "static", maxAge: 90 }); * *"/", user, (_req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => { * const options = { * props: { data: "Guest" }, * status: 200, * html: { head: { title: "React Component" } }, * }; * return ctx.render(options); * }, * ); * await f.serve(); * ``` * @param path * @param element * @param handler */ page( path: string, element: Component, ...handler: Array<MiddlewareArgument> ): Fastro; register(mf: ModuleFunction): Fastro; getStaticFolder(): string; getStaticPath(): string; getDevelopmentStatus(): boolean; /** * Add a handler directly * * @param method * @param path * @param handler */ push( method?: string, path?: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument> ): Fastro; onListen(handler: ListenHandler): void; finished(): Promise<void> | undefined; getNest(): Nest; record: Record<string, any>; /** * Serves HTTP requests * * If the server was constructed without a specified port, 8000 is used. */ serve(): Promise<void>;}
type ListenHandler = (params: { hostname: string; port: number }) => void;
type Static = { file: string; contentType: string;};
type Nest = Record< string, any>;
export const BUILD_ID = Deno.env.get("DENO_DEPLOYMENT_ID") || toHashString( new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.digest( "sha-1", new TextEncoder().encode(crypto.randomUUID()), ), ), "hex",);
export default class HttpServer implements Fastro { #server: Deno.Server | undefined; #routes: Route[]; #middlewares: Middleware[]; #pages: Page[]; #patterns: Record<string, URLPattern>; #root: URLPattern; #port; #ac; #staticUrl: string; #staticReferer: boolean; #staticFolder: string; #maxAge: number; record: Record<string, any>; #development: boolean; #nest: Nest; #body: ReadableStream<any> | undefined; #listenHandler: ListenHandler | undefined; #hook: Hook | undefined; #staticPath: string | undefined;
constructor(options?: { port?: number }) { this.#port = options?.port ?? 8000; this.#routes = []; this.#middlewares = []; this.#pages = []; this.#hook = undefined; this.#patterns = {}; this.#nest = {}; this.record = {}; this.#root = new URLPattern({ pathname: "/*" }); this.#ac = new AbortController(); this.#staticUrl = ""; this.#staticReferer = false; this.#staticFolder = ""; this.#maxAge = 0; this.#development = this.#getDevelopment(); this.#handleInit(); if (this.#development) this.#handleDevelopment(); const status = this.#development ? "Development" : "Production"; console.log( `%cStatus %c${status}`, "color: blue", "color: yellow", ); }
getNest(): Nest { return this.#nest; }
#getDevelopment = () => { return Deno.env.get("ENV") === "DEVELOPMENT"; };
#handleInitialData = async () => { const key = await keyPromise; let exportedKeyString = await exportCryptoKey(key); exportedKeyString = btoa(exportedKeyString); exportedKeyString = addSalt(exportedKeyString, SALT); exportedKeyString = reverseString(exportedKeyString); exportedKeyString = "{" + exportedKeyString + "}"; return exportedKeyString; };
serve = async (options?: { port: number }) => { this.record["exportedKeyString"] = await this.#handleInitialData(); this.record["salt"] = SALT; const port = options?.port ?? this.#port; const [s] = await this.#build(); if (s) return;
this.#server = Deno.serve({ port, handler: this.#handleRequest, onListen: this.#listenHandler, onError: this.#handleError, signal: this.#ac.signal, }); };
#hydrateExist = async () => { for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(`${Deno.cwd()}`)) { if ( === hydrateFolder) { return true; } } return false; };
#build = async () => { if (!await this.#hydrateExist()) { await Deno.mkdir(`${Deno.cwd()}/${hydrateFolder}`); } for (let index = 0; index < this.#pages.length; index++) { const page = this.#pages[index]; if (this.#isJSX(page.element as JSX.Element)) continue; const c = page.element as FunctionComponent; // deno-lint-ignore no-deprecated-deno-api if ( != undefined) { await this.#createHydrateFile(; await this.#buildComponent(; console.log( `%c${}.js %cCreated!`, "color: blue", "color: green", ); } }
// deno-lint-ignore no-deprecated-deno-api if ( == undefined) return []; return Deno.args.filter((v) => v === "--hydrate"); };
#createHydrateFile = async (elementName: string) => { const target = `${Deno.cwd()}/${hydrateFolder}/${elementName.toLowerCase()}.hydrate.tsx`; await Deno.writeTextFile( target, this.#createHydrate(elementName), ); };
async #buildComponent(elementName: string) { this.#staticPath = `${this.getStaticPath()}/${BUILD_ID}`; const es = new Esbuild(elementName); await; // const bundle = await; // console.log(bundle); // const componentPath = // `${this.#staticPath}/${elementName.toLocaleLowerCase()}.js`; /* for (const file of bundle.outputFiles) { const str = new TextDecoder().decode(file.contents); this.push( "GET", componentPath, (req: Request) => { const ref = this.#checkReferer(req); if (ref) return ref; return new Response(str, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/javascript", }, }); }, ); } */ es.stop(); }
#createHydrate(comp: string) { return `/** == ${ new Date().toLocaleString() } == DO NOT EDIT!! AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY FASTRO TO HYDRATE HTML FILES SO JS FILES CAN INTERACT. **/ import { h, hydrate } from "";import ${comp} from "../pages/${comp.toLowerCase()}.tsx";import { atobMe as a, clean as c,extractOriginalString as ex,importCryptoKey as i,keyType,keyUsages,reverseString as rev,} from "${version}/crypto/key.ts";import { decryptData as d } from "${version}/crypto/decrypt.ts";declare global {interface Window {__INITIAL_DATA__: any;}} fetch("/__INITIAL_DATA__").then((r) => r.json()).then((v) => { let r = c(v.d) as any;let s = c(v.s) as any;s = rev(s);s = a(s);r = rev(r);r = ex(r, s);r = a(r);i(r,keyType,keyUsages).then((k) => {d(k, window.__INITIAL_DATA__).then((v) => {delete window.__INITIAL_DATA__;const p = v as any;const r = document.getElementById("root");if (r) hydrate(h(${comp}, JSON.parse(p)), r);}).catch((error) => console.error(error));}).catch((error) => console.error(error));}).catch((error) => console.error(error));`; }
onListen = (handler: ListenHandler) => { this.#listenHandler = handler; };
push( method?: string, path?: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument> ) { if (method && path) { this.#patterns[path] = new URLPattern({ pathname: path, });
if (handler.length === 1) { return this.#pushHandler(method, path, handler[0]); } this.#pushHandler(method, path, handler[handler.length - 1]);
for (let i = 0; i < handler.length - 1; i++) { this.#pushMiddleware( <MiddlewareArgument> <unknown> handler[i], method, path, ); } } else { for (let i = 0; i < handler.length; i++) { this.#pushMiddleware( <MiddlewareArgument> <unknown> handler[i], ); } }
return this; }
#pushHandler( method: string, path: string, handler: HandlerArgument, ) { this.#routes.push({ method, path, handler }); return this; }
#pushMiddleware( handler: MiddlewareArgument, method?: string, path?: string, ) { this.#middlewares.push({ method, path, handler }); return this; }
use(...handler: HandlerArgument[]) { return this.push(undefined, undefined, ...handler); }
get(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) { return this.push("GET", path, ...handler); }
post(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) { return this.push("POST", path, ...handler); }
put(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) { return this.push("PUT", path, ...handler); }
head(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) { return this.push("HEAD", path, ...handler); }
options(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) { return this.push("OPTIONS", path, ...handler); }
delete(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) { return this.push("DELETE", path, ...handler); }
patch(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) { return this.push("PATCH", path, ...handler); }
static( path: string, options?: { maxAge?: number; folder?: string; referer?: boolean }, ) { this.#staticUrl = path; if (options?.folder) this.#staticFolder = options?.folder; if (options?.referer) this.#staticReferer = options.referer; if (options?.maxAge) this.#maxAge = options.maxAge; return this; }
page( path: string, element: Component, ...handlers: MiddlewareArgument[] ): Fastro { this.#patterns[path] = new URLPattern({ pathname: path, }); this.#pages.push({ path, element, handlers }); return this; }
getDevelopmentStatus() { return this.#development; }
#handleDevelopment = () => { const refreshPath = `/___refresh___`; this.#patterns[refreshPath] = new URLPattern({ pathname: refreshPath, }); const refreshStream = (_req: Request) => { let timerId: number | undefined = undefined; this.#body = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue(`data: ${BUILD_ID}\nretry: 100\n\n`); timerId = setInterval(() => { controller.enqueue(`data: ${BUILD_ID}\n\n`); }, 1000); }, cancel() { if (timerId !== undefined) { clearInterval(timerId); } }, }); return new Response(this.#body.pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream()), { headers: { "content-type": "text/event-stream", }, }); }; this.#pushHandler("GET", refreshPath, refreshStream); };
#handleInit = () => { const initPath = `/__INITIAL_DATA__`; this.#patterns[initPath] = new URLPattern({ pathname: initPath, });
this.#pushHandler("GET", initPath, (req: HttpRequest) => { const ref = this.#checkReferer(req); if (ref) return ref;
let s = btoa(req.record["salt"]); s = reverseString(s); return Response.json({ d: req.record["exportedKeyString"], s: `{${s}}`, }, { headers: new Headers({ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "null", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type", }), }); }); };
#handleError = (error: unknown) => { const err: Error = error as Error; console.error(error); return new Response(err.stack); };
#handleHook = async (h: Hook, r: Request, i: Info) => { const x = await h(this, r, i); if (this.#isResponse(x)) return x; };
#checkReferer = (req: Request) => { const referer = req.headers.get("referer"); const host = req.headers.get("host") as string; if (!referer || !referer?.includes(host)) { return new Response(STATUS_TEXT[Status.NotFound], { status: Status.NotFound, }); } };
#handleRequest = async ( req: Request, i: Info, ) => { const m = await this.#findMiddleware(req, i); if (m) return this.#handleResponse(m);
const r = this.#findRoute(req.method, req.url); if (r?.handler) { const h = r?.handler as RequestHandler; const res = await h( this.#transformRequest(this.record, req, r.params, r.query, r.match), this.#initContext(i), ); return this.#handleResponse(res); }
const p = this.#findPage(req); if (p && p.handlers && p.match && p.element) { const result = await this.#handlePageMiddleware( p.handlers, req, i, p.match, p.element, );
if (result) return this.#handleResponse(result); }
const s = (await this.#findStaticFiles(this.#staticUrl, req.url)) as Static; if (s) { const ref = this.#checkReferer(req); if (ref && this.#staticReferer) return ref; return new Response(s.file, { headers: { "Content-Type": s.contentType, "Cache-Control": `max-age=${this.#maxAge}`, }, }); }
const b = await this.#handleBinary(this.#staticUrl, req.url); if (b) { const ref = this.#checkReferer(req); if (ref && this.#staticReferer) return ref; return this.#handleResponse(b); }
const h = this.#findHook(); if (h) { const res = await this.#handleHook(h, req, i); if (res) return this.#handleResponse(res); }
return new Response(STATUS_TEXT[Status.NotFound], { status: Status.NotFound, }); };
hook = (hook: Hook) => { this.#hook = hook; return this; };
#findHook = () => { return this.#hook; };
#findPage = (r: Request) => { if (this.#pages.length === 0) return null; let page: Page | undefined = undefined; const nestID = `p${r.url}`; const p = this.#nest[nestID]; if (p) return p as RouteNest; let pattern: URLPattern | null = null; for (let index = 0; index < this.#pages.length; index++) { const p = this.#pages[index]; const m = this.#patterns[p.path].test(r.url); if (m) { page = p; pattern = this.#patterns[p.path]; break; } }
const e = pattern?.exec(r.url); if (!e) return this.#nest[nestID] = null; return this.#nest[nestID] = { params: e.pathname.groups, query: this.#iterableToRecord(new URL(r.url).searchParams), handler: () => {}, match: e, handlers: page?.handlers, element: page?.element, }; };
#handlePageMiddleware = async ( handlers: MiddlewareArgument[], r: Request, i: Info, match: URLPatternResult, element: Component, ) => { const searchParams = new URL(r.url).searchParams; const ctx = this.#initContext(i, element, r); let result: unknown;
for (let index = 0; index < handlers.length; index++) { const h = handlers[index]; const req = this.#transformRequest( this.record, r, match?.pathname.groups, this.#iterableToRecord(searchParams), match, );
const x = await h(req, ctx, (error, data) => { if (error) throw error; return data; });
if (this.#isResponse(x)) { result = x; break; } }
return result; };
#findMiddleware = async (r: Request, i: Info) => { if (this.#middlewares.length === 0) return undefined; const method: string = r.method, url: string = r.url; const ctx = this.#initContext(i); const searchParams = new URL(r.url).searchParams; let result: unknown;
for (let index = 0; index < this.#middlewares.length; index++) { const m = this.#middlewares[index]; const nestId = `${method}${m.method}${m.path}${url}`;
const match = this.#findMatch(m, nestId, url); if (!match) continue; const req = this.#transformRequest( this.record, r, match?.pathname.groups, this.#iterableToRecord(searchParams), match, ); const x = await m.handler( req, ctx, (error, data) => { if (error) throw error; return data; }, );
if (this.#isResponse(x)) { result = x; break; } }
return result; };
#findMatch( m: Middleware | Page, nestId: string, url: string, ) { const r = this.#nest[nestId]; if (r) return r as URLPatternResult;
const pattern = m.path ? this.#patterns[m.path] : this.#root; const result = pattern.exec(url); if (result) { return this.#nest[nestId] = result; } }
#findRoute(method: string, url: string) { const nestID = `route${method + url}`; const r = this.#nest[nestID]; if (r) return r;
let h: Route | undefined = undefined; let p: URLPattern | null = null; for (let index = 0; index < this.#routes.length; index++) { const r = this.#routes[index]; const m = this.#patterns[r.path].test(url); if ((r.method === method) && m) { h = r; p = this.#patterns[r.path]; break; } } if (!h) return this.#nest[nestID] = null;
const e = p?.exec(url); if (!e) return this.#nest[nestID] = null; return this.#nest[nestID] = { params: e.pathname.groups, query: this.#iterableToRecord(new URL(url).searchParams), handler: h?.handler, match: e, }; }
#handleResponse(res: any, status = 200) { if (this.#isString(res)) return new Response(res, { status }); if (this.#isResponse(res)) return res as Response; if (this.#isJSX(res)) return this.#renderToString(res, status); if (this.#isJSON(res) || Array.isArray(res)) { return Response.json(res, { status }); } return new Response(res, { status }); }
getStaticPath() { return this.#staticUrl; }
getStaticFolder() { return this.#staticFolder; }
#findStaticFiles = async (url: string, reqUrl: string) => { const [nestID, pathname] = this.#nestIDPathname(url, reqUrl); if (this.#nest[nestID]) return this.#nest[nestID];
const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname }); const match = pattern.exec(reqUrl); if (!match) return this.#nest[nestID] = null;
const input = match?.pathname.groups["0"]; const filePath = `${this.#staticFolder}/${input}`; const ct = contentType(extname(filePath)) || "application/octet-stream";
const binary = ["png", "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "pdf", "aac"]; const b = binary.filter((v) => ct.includes(v)); if (b.length > 0) return this.#nest[nestID] = null;
let file; try { file = await Deno.readTextFile(`./${filePath}`); } catch { return this.#nest[nestID] = null; }
return this.#nest[nestID] = { contentType: ct, file }; };
#nestIDPathname = (url: string, reqUrl: string) => { const staticUrl = url === "/" ? "" : url; const pathname = `${staticUrl}/*`; const nestID = `${pathname}${reqUrl}`;
return [nestID, pathname]; };
#handleBinary = async (url: string, reqUrl: string) => { const [nestID, pathname] = this.#nestIDPathname(url, reqUrl); try { const match = new URLPattern({ pathname }).exec(reqUrl); const filePath = `${this.#staticFolder}/${match?.pathname.groups["0"]}`; const ct = contentType(extname(filePath)) || "application/octet-stream";
if (filePath === "/") return this.#nest[nestID] = null; const file = await`./${filePath}`, { read: true }); return new Response(file.readable, { headers: { "Content-Type": ct, "Cache-Control": `max-age=${this.#maxAge}`, }, }); } catch { return this.#nest[nestID] = null; } };
#iterableToRecord( params: URLSearchParams, ) { const record: Record<string, string> = {}; params.forEach((v, k) => (record[k] = v)); return record; }
#initContext( info: Info, element?: Component, req?: Request, ) { const ctx = new Context(); ctx.server = this; = info; ctx.render = (options?: RenderOptions) => { if (!element) return new Response("Component not found"); return this.#renderElement(element, options, req); }; ctx.send = (data: unknown, status?: number) => { return this.#handleResponse(data, status); }; return ctx; }
#transformRequest( record: Record<string, any>, r: Request, params?: Record<string, string | undefined> | undefined, query?: Record<string, string>, match?: URLPatternResult | null, ) { const req = r as HttpRequest; req.record = record; req.match = match; req.params = params; req.query = query; return req; }
#renderToString(element: JSX.Element, status?: number) { const component = renderToString(element); return new Response(component, { status, headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, }); }
#renderElement( element: Component, options?: RenderOptions, req?: Request, ) { const opt = options ?? { html: {} }; const r = new Render(element, opt, this.#nest, this, req); return r.render(); }
#isJSX(res: JSX.Element) { return res && res.props != undefined && res.type != undefined; }
#isString(res: any) { return typeof res === "string"; }
#isResponse(res: any) { return res instanceof Response; }
#isJSON(val: unknown) { try { const s = JSON.stringify(val); JSON.parse(s); return true; } catch { return false; } }
finished = () => { return this.#server?.finished; };
register = (mf: ModuleFunction) => { return mf(this); };
close() { if (this.#server) { this.#server.finished.then(() => console.log("Server closed")); console.log("Closing server..."); this.#ac.abort(); } }}