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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { CSS, render } from "";import { h, JSX } from "";import "";import "";import "";import "";import "";import "";import "";
import { getPublishDate } from "../app/function.ts";import DefaultFooter from "../components/footer.tsx";import DefaultHeader from "../components/header.tsx";import { Render } from "../http/render.tsx";import { Context, FunctionComponent, HttpRequest, Next, RenderOptions,} from "../http/server.ts";
import { extract, remark, remarkToc } from "./deps.ts";import { version } from "../http/version.ts";
type Meta = { title?: string; author?: string; date?: string; description?: string; image?: string; prev?: string; next?: string;};
type Post = { meta?: Meta; content: JSX.Element;};
export default class Instance { #header: FunctionComponent; #footer: FunctionComponent; #options: RenderOptions | undefined; #folder: string | undefined; #prefix: string | undefined;
constructor( options?: { header?: FunctionComponent; footer?: FunctionComponent; folder?: string; prefix?: string; options?: RenderOptions; }, ) { const opts = options ?? {}; this.#header = opts?.header ?? DefaultHeader; this.#footer = opts?.footer ?? DefaultFooter; this.#folder = opts?.folder ?? "posts"; this.#prefix = opts?.prefix ?? ""; this.#options = opts?.options; }
#getDefaultOptions = (md: Post) => { return { cache: true, html: { lang: "en", head: { title: `${md.meta?.title} | Fastro Framework`, descriptions: md.meta?.description, meta: [ { charset: "utf-8" }, { name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0", }, { name: "description", content: md.meta?.description, }, { name: "author", content: "Fastro Software", }, { name: "publish_date", property: "og:publish_date", content: getPublishDate(), }, { property: "og:image", content: md.meta?.image, }, { name: "twitter:image:src", content: md.meta?.image, }, { name: "twitter:description", content: md.meta?.description, }, { name: "og-description", content: md.meta?.description, }, { property: "og:title", content: md.meta?.title, }, ], link: [ { href: "", rel: "stylesheet", integrity: "sha384-GLhlTQ8iRABdZLl6O3oVMWSktQOp6b7In1Zl3/Jr59b6EGGoI1aFkw7cmDA6j6gD", crossorigin: "anonymous", }, { href: "", rel: "stylesheet", }, { href: "/static/post.css", rel: "stylesheet", }, { href: "/static/cover.css", rel: "stylesheet", }, ], headStyle: CSS + "#root {background-color:red}", }, body: { script: [ { src: "", }, { src: "", }, ], class: "d-flex h-100 text-bg-dark", root: { class: "d-flex w-100 h-100 p-3 mx-auto flex-column markdown-body", style: { maxWidth: "42em" }, }, }, }, } as RenderOptions; };
middleware = async (req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context, _next: Next) => { const md = await new Markdown( ctx.server.getNest(), req, this.#header, this.#footer, this.#folder, ).getPost(this.#prefix) as Post;
if (md) { const opt = this.#options ?? this.#getDefaultOptions(md); const r = new Render( md.content, opt, ctx.server.getNest(), ctx.server, req, ); return r.render(); } };}
class Markdown { #post: Record<string, Post>; #nest: Record<string, any>; #path: string; #header: FunctionComponent; #footer: FunctionComponent; #folder: string | undefined;
constructor( nest: Record<string, any>, req: Request, header: FunctionComponent, footer: FunctionComponent, folder?: string, ) { this.#post = {}; this.#nest = nest; this.#path = req.url; this.#header = header; this.#footer = footer; this.#folder = folder ?? "posts"; }
#readFile = async (path: string, prefix?: string) => { const rootPathname = prefix ? `/${prefix}/*` : `/*`; const nestID = `markdown${rootPathname}${path}`; if (this.#nest[nestID]) return this.#nest[nestID];
const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: rootPathname }); const match = pattern.exec(path); if (!match) return this.#nest[nestID] = null;
const filePath = match?.pathname.groups["0"];
try { const md = `./${this.#folder}/${filePath}.md`; const txt = await Deno.readTextFile(md); const m = extract(txt);
const file = await remark() .use(remarkToc) .processSync(m.body);
const markdownHtml = this.#markdownToHtml(String(file));
// const git = await this.#getVersion(); const p = prefix ? prefix : filePath; const content = this.#contentContainer( markdownHtml, m.attrs, version, p, ); return this.#post[path] = { meta: m.attrs, content, }; } catch { return this.#nest[nestID] = null; } };
#contentContainer = ( child: any, meta: Meta, props: string, path?: string, ) => { const Header = this.#header; const Footer = this.#footer;
return ( <div className="d-flex flex-column h-100"> <Header path={path} /> <main className="markdown flex-grow-1" style={{ marginBottom: 20 }}> <div className="text-center"> <h1 className="display-5 fw-bold">{meta.title}</h1> <p className="text-white-50 h5 fw-light">{meta.description}</p> </div> <hr /> {child} </main> <Footer version={props} /> </div> ); };
#markdownToHtml(content: string) { const jsxElement = h("div", { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { // TODO Sanitize __html: render(content, { allowIframes: true, allowMath: true, }), }, }); return jsxElement; }
getPost = async (prefix?: string) => { const nestID = `markdown${this.#path}`; if (this.#nest[nestID]) return this.#nest[nestID]; const res = await this.#readFile(this.#path, prefix); return this.#nest[nestID] = res; };}