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A server-side-rendered charting library for Fresh
interface ChartJs.CoreScaleOptions
import { type ChartJs } from "";
const { CoreScaleOptions } = ChartJs;


display: boolean | "auto"

Controls the axis global visibility (visible when true, hidden when false). When display: 'auto', the axis is visible only if at least one associated dataset is visible.

alignToPixels: boolean

Align pixel values to device pixels

reverse: boolean

Reverse the scale.

weight: number

The weight used to sort the axis. Higher weights are further away from the chart area.


beforeUpdate(axis: Scale): void

Callback called before the update process starts.

beforeSetDimensions(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs before dimensions are set.

afterSetDimensions(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs after dimensions are set.

beforeDataLimits(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs before data limits are determined.

afterDataLimits(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs after data limits are determined.

beforeBuildTicks(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs before ticks are created.

afterBuildTicks(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs after ticks are created. Useful for filtering ticks.

beforeTickToLabelConversion(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs before ticks are converted into strings.

afterTickToLabelConversion(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs after ticks are converted into strings.

beforeCalculateLabelRotation(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs before tick rotation is determined.

afterCalculateLabelRotation(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs after tick rotation is determined.

beforeFit(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs before the scale fits to the canvas.

afterFit(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs after the scale fits to the canvas.

afterUpdate(axis: Scale): void

Callback that runs at the end of the update process.