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A server-side-rendered charting library for Fresh
import { type ChartJs } from "";
const { Defaults } = ChartJs;


set(values: AnyObject): AnyObject
set(scope: string, values: AnyObject): AnyObject
get(scope: string): AnyObject
describe(scope: string, values: AnyObject): AnyObject
override(scope: string, values: AnyObject): AnyObject
scope: string,
name: string,
targetScope: string,
targetName: string,
): void

Routes the named defaults to fallback to another scope/name. This routing is useful when those target values, like defaults.color, are changed runtime. If the values would be copied, the runtime change would not take effect. By routing, the fallback is evaluated at each access, so its always up to date.


defaults.route('elements.arc', 'backgroundColor', '', 'color')

  • reads the backgroundColor from defaults.color when undefined locally