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A server-side-rendered charting library for Fresh
interface ChartJs.TickOptions
import { type ChartJs } from "";
const { TickOptions } = ChartJs;


Color of label backdrops.

backdropPadding: number | ChartArea

Padding of tick backdrop.

callback: (
this: Scale,
tickValue: number | string,
index: number,
ticks: Tick[],
) =>
| string
| string[]
| number
| number[]
| null
| undefined

Returns the string representation of the tick value as it should be displayed on the chart. See callback.

display: boolean

If true, show tick labels.

padding: number

Sets the offset of the tick labels from the axis

showLabelBackdrop: Scriptable<boolean, ScriptableScaleContext>

If true, draw a background behind the tick labels.

The color of the stroke around the text.

textStrokeWidth: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScaleContext>

Stroke width around the text.

z: number

z-index of tick layer. Useful when ticks are drawn on chart area. Values <= 0 are drawn under datasets, > 0 on top.

major: { enabled: boolean; }