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Common Functional Programming Algebraic data types for JavaScript that is compatible with most modern browsers and Deno.
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// Inspired by fantasyland/daggy// @see
import { apply, complement, compose, converge, curry, has, identity, join, map, prop, reduce, toString, zipObj} from "";
// Prototype :: Object// TypeRepresentation :: Object// TypeSumInstance :: Object
const $$tag = Symbol.for("Tag");const $$tagList = Symbol.for("TagList");const $$valueList = Symbol.for("ValueList");const $$type = Symbol.for("Type");const $$returnType = Symbol.for("ReturnType");
// assertIsUnit :: TypeSumInstance -> TypeSumInstance -> Booleanconst assertIsUnit = curry( (instance, value) => instance === value || !!value && instance[$$tag] === value[$$tag] && instance.constructor[$$type] === value.constructor[$$type]);
// assertIsTypeRepresentation :: String -> TypeSumInstance -> Booleanconst assertIsTypeRepresentation = curry( (typeName, value) => typeName === value.constructor[$$type]);
// assertIsTypeRepresentation :: TypeRepresentation -> TypeSumInstance -> Booleanconst assertIsVariant = curry( (instance, value) => !!value && instance[$$tag] === value[$$tag] && instance[$$returnType] === value.constructor[$$type]);
// serializeConstructorType :: String -> String -> Stringconst serializeConstructorType = curry( (typeName, tag) => `${typeName}.${tag}`);
const serializeConstructorTypeBound = function () {
return serializeConstructorType(this[$$returnType], this[$$tag]);}
// serializeList :: [*] -> Stringconst serializeList = compose(join(", "), map(toString));
// serializeTypeInstance :: String -> [*] -> Stringconst serializeTypeInstance = curry( (typeName, valueList) => `${typeName}(${serializeList(valueList)})`);
// serializeTypeInstanceWithTag :: String -> String -> [*] -> Stringconst serializeTypeInstanceWithTag = curry( (typeName, tagName, valueList) => (valueList.length > 0) ? `${typeName}.${tagName}(${serializeList(valueList)})` : `${typeName}.${tagName}`);
const serializeTypeInstanceBound = function () {
return (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty($$tag)) ? serializeTypeInstanceWithTag(this.constructor[$$type], this[$$tag], this[$$valueList]) : serializeTypeInstance(this.constructor[$$type], this[$$valueList]);};
// serializeTypeRepresentation :: String a -> String aconst serializeTypeRepresentation = typeName => typeName;
const serializeTypeRepresentationBound = function () {
return serializeTypeRepresentation(this[$$type]);};
// factorizeFold :: { String: Function } -> String -> [String] -> Functionconst factorizeFold = (functionByTag, instanceTag, constructorTagList) => { for (const tag of constructorTagList) { if (!functionByTag[tag]) { throw new TypeError (`Constructors given to fold didn't include: ${tag}`); } }
return apply(functionByTag[instanceTag]);};
const factorizeFoldBound = function (functionByTag) {
return factorizeFold(functionByTag, this[$$tag], this.constructor[$$tagList])(this[$$valueList]);};
/** * @function * @name factorizeType * @module functional/SumType * * @description Factorize a Type Representation. * @param {String} typeName * @param {String[]} propertyNameList * @return {Function} * * @example * const Coordinates = factorizeType("Coordinates", [ "x", "y" ]); * const vector = Coordinates(150, 200); * // vector.x === 150 * // vector.y === 200 */
// factorizeType :: (String, [String]) -> Functionexport const factorizeType = (typeName, propertyNameList) => { let prototypeAccumulator = { toString: serializeTypeInstanceBound };
const typeRepresentationConstructor = factorizeConstructor(propertyNameList, prototypeAccumulator); typeRepresentationConstructor.from = factorizeConstructorFromObject(propertyNameList, prototypeAccumulator); = assertIsTypeRepresentation(typeName); typeRepresentationConstructor.prototype = prototypeAccumulator; typeRepresentationConstructor.toString = serializeTypeRepresentationBound; typeRepresentationConstructor[$$type] = typeName;
prototypeAccumulator.constructor = typeRepresentationConstructor;
return typeRepresentationConstructor};
// factorizeSumType :: String -> { String: [String]] } -> Functionexport const factorizeSumType = (typeName, propertyNameListByTag) => { let prototypeAccumulator = { toString: serializeTypeInstanceBound, fold: factorizeFoldBound }; const tagList = Object.keys(propertyNameListByTag);
const typeRepresentation = prototypeAccumulator.constructor = { is: assertIsTypeRepresentation(typeName), prototype: prototypeAccumulator, toString: serializeTypeRepresentationBound, [$$tagList]: tagList, [$$type]: typeName };
for (const [ tag, propertyNameList ] of Object.entries(propertyNameListByTag)) { const tagPrototypeAccumulator = Object.assign(Object.create(prototypeAccumulator), { [$$tag]: tag });
if (propertyNameList.length === 0) { typeRepresentation[tag] = factorizeValue(propertyNameList, tagPrototypeAccumulator, [], 0); typeRepresentation[tag].is = assertIsUnit(typeRepresentation[tag]); continue; }
typeRepresentation[tag] = factorizeConstructor(propertyNameList, tagPrototypeAccumulator); typeRepresentation[tag].from = factorizeConstructorFromObject(propertyNameList, tagPrototypeAccumulator); typeRepresentation[tag].toString = serializeConstructorTypeBound; typeRepresentation[tag][$$returnType] = typeName; typeRepresentation[tag][$$tag] = tag; typeRepresentation[tag].is = assertIsVariant(typeRepresentation[tag]); }
return typeRepresentation};
// factorizeValue :: [String] -> Prototype -> [*] -> Number -> Prototypeconst factorizeValue = curry( (propertyNameList, prototype, propertyValueList, argumentCount) => { if (argumentCount !== propertyNameList.length) { throw new TypeError (`Expected ${propertyNameList.length} arguments, got ${argumentCount}.`); }
return Object.assign( Object.create(prototype), { ...zipObj( propertyNameList, propertyValueList ), [$$valueList]: propertyValueList } ); });
// factorizeConstructor :: ([String], Prototype) -> Functionconst factorizeConstructor = (propertyNameList, prototype) => { switch (propertyNameList.length) { case 1: return function (a) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a], arguments.length); }; case 2: return function (a, b) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a, b], arguments.length); }; case 3: return function (a, b, c) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a, b, c], arguments.length); }; case 4: return function (a, b, c, d) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a, b, c, d], arguments.length); }; case 5: return function (a, b, c, d, e) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a, b, c, d, e], arguments.length); }; case 6: return function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a, b, c, d, e, f], arguments.length); }; case 7: return function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g], arguments.length); }; case 8: return function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h], arguments.length); }; case 9: return function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i], arguments.length); }; case 10: return function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j], arguments.length); };
default: return Object.defineProperty( function() { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, arguments, arguments.length); }, 'length', { value: propertyNameList.length } ); }};
// factorizeConstructorFromObject :: ([String], Prototype) -> Object -> aconst factorizeConstructorFromObject = (propertyNameList, prototype) => compose( converge( factorizeValue( propertyNameList, prototype ), [ identity, prop("length") ] ), (blueprintObject) => reduce( (accumulator, propertyName) => { if (complement(has)(propertyName, blueprintObject)) { throw new TypeError (`Missing field: ${propertyName}`); }
return [ ...accumulator, blueprintObject[propertyName] ]; }, [], propertyNameList ) );