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Common Functional Programming Algebraic data types for JavaScript that is compatible with most modern browsers and Deno.
Either.prototype.alt = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/alt"] = function(container) { return this.fold({ Left: (_)=>container , Right: (_)=>this });};Either.prototype.chain = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/chain"] = function(unaryFunction) { return this.fold({ Left: (_)=>this , Right: (value)=>unaryFunction(value) });};Either.prototype.extract = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/extract"] = function() { return this.fold({ Left: (_)=>this , Right: (value)=>value });};Either.prototype.reduce = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/reduce"] = function(binaryFunction, accumulator) { return this.fold({ Left: (_)=>accumulator , Right: (value)=>binaryFunction(accumulator, value) });};Either.prototype.sequence = function(TypeRepresentation) { return this.traverse(TypeRepresentation, (x)=>x );};IO.prototype.ap = IO.prototype["fantasy-land/ap"] = function(container) { return>unaryFunction(this.asyncFunction()) );}; = function() { return this.asyncFunction();};Maybe.prototype.alt = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/alt"] = function(container) { return this.fold({ Nothing: (_)=>container , Just: (_)=>this });};Maybe.prototype.reduce = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/reduce"] = function(binaryFunction, accumulator) { return this.fold({ Nothing: (_)=>accumulator , Just: (value)=>binaryFunction(accumulator, value) });};Maybe.prototype.sequence = function(TypeRepresentation) { return this.traverse(TypeRepresentation, (x)=>x );};function _pipe(f, g) { return function() { return, f.apply(this, arguments)); };}function _identity(x) { return x;}function _isFunction(x) { var type =; return type === '[object Function]' || type === '[object AsyncFunction]' || type === '[object GeneratorFunction]' || type === '[object AsyncGeneratorFunction]';}const serializeTypeRepresentation = (typeName)=>typeName;export const $$debug = Symbol.for("TaskDebug");export const $$inspect = typeof Deno !== "undefined" ? Deno.customInspect : "inspect";export const $$returnType = Symbol.for("ReturnType");export const $$tag = Symbol.for("Tag");export const $$tagList = Symbol.for("TagList");export const $$type = Symbol.for("Type");export const $$value = Symbol.for("Value");export const $$valueList = Symbol.for("ValueList");Step.prototype.alt = Step.prototype["fantasy-land/alt"] = function(container) { return this.fold({ Done: (_)=>container , Loop: (_)=>this });};const concat = (x)=>(y)=>x.concat(y);const serializeFunctionForDebug = (asyncFunction)=> && !== "" ? : asyncFunction.toString().length > 25 ? asyncFunction.toString().slice(0, 25).replace(/[\n\r]/g, "").replace(/\s\s*/g, " ") + "[...]" : asyncFunction.toString().replace(/[\n\r]/g, "").replace(/\s\s*/g, " "); = async function() { const maybePromise = this.asyncFunction(); return (maybePromise instanceof Promise ? maybePromise : Promise.resolve(maybePromise)).then((maybeContainer)=> ? maybeContainer : __default.Right(maybeContainer) , (maybeContainer)=> ? maybeContainer : __default.Left(maybeContainer) );};Task.prototype.toString = Task.prototype[$$inspect] = function() { return this[$$debug] || `Task("unknown")`;};const noColor = globalThis.Deno?.noColor ?? true;let enabled = !noColor;function code(open, close) { return { open: `\x1b[${open.join(";")}m`, close: `\x1b[${close}m`, regexp: new RegExp(`\\x1b\\[${close}m`, "g") };}function run(str, code1) { return enabled ? `${}${str.replace(code1.regexp,}${code1.close}` : str;}function red(str) { return run(str, code([ 31 ], 39));}function blue(str) { return run(str, code([ 34 ], 39));}function brightBlack(str) { return run(str, code([ 90 ], 39));}function clampAndTruncate(n, max = 255, min = 0) { return Math.trunc(Math.max(Math.min(n, max), min));}const ANSI_PATTERN = new RegExp([ "[\\u001B\\u009B][[\\]()#;?]*(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\\d]*(?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]*)*)?\\u0007)", "(?:(?:\\d{1,4}(?:;\\d{0,4})*)?[\\dA-PR-TZcf-ntqry=><~]))", ].join("|"), "g");const $$decoder = new TextDecoder();const $$encoder = new TextEncoder();export const assertIsArray = (value)=>value instanceof Array;export const assertIsBoolean = (value)=>value === true || value === false;export const assertIsFunction = (value)=>value instanceof Function;export const assertIsNull = (value)=>value === null;export const assertIsNumber = (value)=>typeof value === "number";export const assertIsObject = (value)=>typeof value === "object" && !(value instanceof Array);export const assertIsRegex = (value)=>value instanceof RegExp;export const assertIsString = (value)=>typeof value === "string";export const assertIsUndefined = (value)=>value === undefined;export const decodeRaw = $$decoder.decode.bind($$decoder);export const encodeText = $$encoder.encode.bind($$encoder);export const log = (message)=>(x)=>console.debug(blue(message), x) || x;function XMap(f, xf) { this.xf = xf; this.f = f;}XMap.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function(result, input) { return this.xf['@@transducer/step'](result, this.f(input));};const __default4 = Number.isInteger || function _isInteger(n) { return n << 0 === n;};function _arrayFromIterator(iter) { var list = []; var next; while(!(next ={ list.push(next.value); } return list;}function _includesWith(pred, x, list) { var idx = 0; var len = list.length; while(idx < len){ if (pred(x, list[idx])) { return true; } idx += 1; } return false;}function _functionName(f) { var match = String(f).match(/^function (\w*)/); return match == null ? '' : match[1];}function _objectIs(a, b) { if (a === b) { return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b; } else { return a !== a && b !== b; }}const __default1 = typeof === 'function' ? : _objectIs;function _quote(s) { var escaped = s.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/[\b]/g, '\\b').replace(/\f/g, '\\f').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\r/g, '\\r').replace(/\t/g, '\\t').replace(/\v/g, '\\v').replace(/\0/g, '\\0'); return '"' + escaped.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';}var pad = function pad(n) { return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n;};var _toISOString = typeof Date.prototype.toISOString === 'function' ? function _toISOString(d) { return d.toISOString();} : function _toISOString(d) { return d.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + pad(d.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + pad(d.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + pad(d.getUTCHours()) + ':' + pad(d.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + pad(d.getUTCSeconds()) + '.' + (d.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1000).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5) + 'Z';};function _complement(f) { return function() { return !f.apply(this, arguments); };}function _filter(fn, list) { var idx = 0; var len = list.length; var result = []; while(idx < len){ if (fn(list[idx])) { result[result.length] = list[idx]; } idx += 1; } return result;}function _isObject(x) { return === '[object Object]';}function XFilter(f, xf) { this.xf = xf; this.f = f;}XFilter.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function(result, input) { return this.f(input) ? this.xf['@@transducer/step'](result, input) : result;};function _map(fn, functor) { var idx = 0; var len = functor.length; var result = Array(len); while(idx < len){ result[idx] = fn(functor[idx]); idx += 1; } return result;}function XWrap(fn) { this.f = fn;}XWrap.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = function() { throw new Error('init not implemented on XWrap');};XWrap.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = function(acc) { return acc;};XWrap.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function(acc, x) { return this.f(acc, x);};function _xwrap(fn) { return new XWrap(fn);}function _arrayReduce(xf, acc, list) { var idx = 0; var len = list.length; while(idx < len){ acc = xf['@@transducer/step'](acc, list[idx]); if (acc && acc['@@transducer/reduced']) { acc = acc['@@transducer/value']; break; } idx += 1; } return xf['@@transducer/result'](acc);}function _iterableReduce(xf, acc, iter) { var step =; while(!step.done){ acc = xf['@@transducer/step'](acc, step.value); if (acc && acc['@@transducer/reduced']) { acc = acc['@@transducer/value']; break; } step =; } return xf['@@transducer/result'](acc);}var symIterator = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator';function _isTransformer(obj) { return obj != null && typeof obj['@@transducer/step'] === 'function';}var toString1 = Object.prototype.toString;var hasEnumBug = !({ toString: null}).propertyIsEnumerable('toString');var nonEnumerableProps = [ 'constructor', 'valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'toString', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'hasOwnProperty', 'toLocaleString'];var hasArgsEnumBug = function() { 'use strict'; return arguments.propertyIsEnumerable('length');}();var contains = function contains(list, item) { var idx = 0; while(idx < list.length){ if (list[idx] === item) { return true; } idx += 1; } return false;};function _concat(set1, set2) { set1 = set1 || []; set2 = set2 || []; var idx; var len1 = set1.length; var len2 = set2.length; var result = []; idx = 0; while(idx < len1){ result[result.length] = set1[idx]; idx += 1; } idx = 0; while(idx < len2){ result[result.length] = set2[idx]; idx += 1; } return result;}function _isPlaceholder(a) { return a != null && typeof a === 'object' && a['@@functional/placeholder'] === true;}function _arity(n, fn) { switch(n){ case 0: return function() { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 1: return function(a0) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 2: return function(a0, a1) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 3: return function(a0, a1, a2) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 4: return function(a0, a1, a2, a3) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 5: return function(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 6: return function(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 7: return function(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 8: return function(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 9: return function(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; case 10: return function(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; default: throw new Error('First argument to _arity must be a non-negative integer no greater than ten'); }}function _isString(x) { return === '[object String]';}function _has(prop, obj) { return, prop);}const __default2 = Array.isArray || function _isArray(val) { return val != null && val.length >= 0 && === '[object Array]';};const __default3 = { init: function() { return this.xf['@@transducer/init'](); }, result: function(result) { return this.xf['@@transducer/result'](result); }};function _checkForMethod(methodname, fn) { return function() { var length = arguments.length; if (length === 0) { return fn(); } var obj = arguments[length - 1]; return __default2(obj) || typeof obj[methodname] !== 'function' ? fn.apply(this, arguments) : obj[methodname].apply(obj,, 0, length - 1)); };}const serializeTypeRepresentationBound = function() { return serializeTypeRepresentation(this[$$type]);};function gray(str) { return brightBlack(str);}XMap.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = __default3.init;XMap.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = __default3.result;XFilter.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = __default3.init;XFilter.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = __default3.result;function _curryN(length, received, fn) { return function() { var combined = []; var argsIdx = 0; var left = length; var combinedIdx = 0; while(combinedIdx < received.length || argsIdx < arguments.length){ var result; if (combinedIdx < received.length && (!_isPlaceholder(received[combinedIdx]) || argsIdx >= arguments.length)) { result = received[combinedIdx]; } else { result = arguments[argsIdx]; argsIdx += 1; } combined[combinedIdx] = result; if (!_isPlaceholder(result)) { left -= 1; } combinedIdx += 1; } return left <= 0 ? fn.apply(this, combined) : _arity(left, _curryN(length, combined, fn)); };}function _curry1(fn) { return function f1(a) { if (arguments.length === 0 || _isPlaceholder(a)) { return f1; } else { return fn.apply(this, arguments); } };}var _isArrayLike = _curry1(function isArrayLike(x) { if (__default2(x)) { return true; } if (!x) { return false; } if (typeof x !== 'object') { return false; } if (_isString(x)) { return false; } if (x.length === 0) { return true; } if (x.length > 0) { return x.hasOwnProperty(0) && x.hasOwnProperty(x.length - 1); } return false;});function _dispatchable(methodNames, transducerCreator, fn) { return function() { if (arguments.length === 0) { return fn(); } var obj = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; if (!__default2(obj)) { var idx = 0; while(idx < methodNames.length){ if (typeof obj[methodNames[idx]] === 'function') { return obj[methodNames[idx]].apply(obj,, 0, -1)); } idx += 1; } if (_isTransformer(obj)) { var transducer = transducerCreator.apply(null,, 0, -1)); return transducer(obj); } } return fn.apply(this, arguments); };}var _isArguments = function() { return === '[object Arguments]' ? function _isArguments(x) { return === '[object Arguments]'; } : function _isArguments(x) { return _has('callee', x); };}();var keys = typeof Object.keys === 'function' && !hasArgsEnumBug ? _curry1(function keys(obj) { return Object(obj) !== obj ? [] : Object.keys(obj);}) : _curry1(function keys(obj) { if (Object(obj) !== obj) { return []; } var prop, nIdx; var ks = []; var checkArgsLength = hasArgsEnumBug && _isArguments(obj); for(prop in obj){ if (_has(prop, obj) && (!checkArgsLength || prop !== 'length')) { ks[ks.length] = prop; } } if (hasEnumBug) { nIdx = nonEnumerableProps.length - 1; while(nIdx >= 0){ prop = nonEnumerableProps[nIdx]; if (_has(prop, obj) && !contains(ks, prop)) { ks[ks.length] = prop; } nIdx -= 1; } } return ks;});var not = _curry1(function not(a) { return !a;});var reverse = _curry1(function reverse(list) { return _isString(list) ? list.split('').reverse().join('') :, 0).reverse();});var isNil = _curry1(function isNil(x) { return x == null;});var identity = _curry1(_identity);var type = _curry1(function type(val) { return val === null ? 'Null' : val === undefined ? 'Undefined' :, -1);});function _curry2(fn) { return function f2(a, b) { switch(arguments.length){ case 0: return f2; case 1: return _isPlaceholder(a) ? f2 : _curry1(function(_b) { return fn(a, _b); }); default: return _isPlaceholder(a) && _isPlaceholder(b) ? f2 : _isPlaceholder(a) ? _curry1(function(_a) { return fn(_a, b); }) : _isPlaceholder(b) ? _curry1(function(_b) { return fn(a, _b); }) : fn(a, b); } };}var curryN = _curry2(function curryN(length, fn) { if (length === 1) { return _curry1(fn); } return _arity(length, _curryN(length, [], fn));});var bind = _curry2(function bind(fn, thisObj) { return _arity(fn.length, function() { return fn.apply(thisObj, arguments); });});function _methodReduce(xf, acc, obj, methodName) { return xf['@@transducer/result'](obj[methodName](bind(xf['@@transducer/step'], xf), acc));}function _reduce(fn, acc, list) { if (typeof fn === 'function') { fn = _xwrap(fn); } if (_isArrayLike(list)) { return _arrayReduce(fn, acc, list); } if (typeof list['fantasy-land/reduce'] === 'function') { return _methodReduce(fn, acc, list, 'fantasy-land/reduce'); } if (list[symIterator] != null) { return _iterableReduce(fn, acc, list[symIterator]()); } if (typeof === 'function') { return _iterableReduce(fn, acc, list); } if (typeof list.reduce === 'function') { return _methodReduce(fn, acc, list, 'reduce'); } throw new TypeError('reduce: list must be array or iterable');}function _curry3(fn) { return function f3(a, b, c) { switch(arguments.length){ case 0: return f3; case 1: return _isPlaceholder(a) ? f3 : _curry2(function(_b, _c) { return fn(a, _b, _c); }); case 2: return _isPlaceholder(a) && _isPlaceholder(b) ? f3 : _isPlaceholder(a) ? _curry2(function(_a, _c) { return fn(_a, b, _c); }) : _isPlaceholder(b) ? _curry2(function(_b, _c) { return fn(a, _b, _c); }) : _curry1(function(_c) { return fn(a, b, _c); }); default: return _isPlaceholder(a) && _isPlaceholder(b) && _isPlaceholder(c) ? f3 : _isPlaceholder(a) && _isPlaceholder(b) ? _curry2(function(_a, _b) { return fn(_a, _b, c); }) : _isPlaceholder(a) && _isPlaceholder(c) ? _curry2(function(_a, _c) { return fn(_a, b, _c); }) : _isPlaceholder(b) && _isPlaceholder(c) ? _curry2(function(_b, _c) { return fn(a, _b, _c); }) : _isPlaceholder(a) ? _curry1(function(_a) { return fn(_a, b, c); }) : _isPlaceholder(b) ? _curry1(function(_b) { return fn(a, _b, c); }) : _isPlaceholder(c) ? _curry1(function(_c) { return fn(a, b, _c); }) : fn(a, b, c); } };}var apply = _curry2(function apply(fn, args) { return fn.apply(this, args);});var slice = _curry3(_checkForMethod('slice', function slice(fromIndex, toIndex, list) { return, fromIndex, toIndex);}));var tail = _curry1(_checkForMethod('tail', slice(1, Infinity)));var max = _curry2(function max(a, b) { return b > a ? b : a;});var hasPath = _curry2(function hasPath(_path, obj) { if (_path.length === 0 || isNil(obj)) { return false; } var val = obj; var idx = 0; while(idx < _path.length){ if (!isNil(val) && _has(_path[idx], val)) { val = val[_path[idx]]; idx += 1; } else { return false; } } return true;});var has = _curry2(function has(prop, obj) { return hasPath([ prop ], obj);});var zipObj = _curry2(function zipObj(keys1, values) { var idx = 0; var len = Math.min(keys1.length, values.length); var out = { }; while(idx < len){ out[keys1[idx]] = values[idx]; idx += 1; } return out;});const factorizeFold = (functionByTag, instanceTag, constructorTagList)=>{ for (const tag of constructorTagList){ if (!functionByTag[tag]) { throw new TypeError(`Constructors given to fold didn't include: ${tag}`); } } return apply(functionByTag[instanceTag]);};const factorizeFoldBound = function(functionByTag) { return factorizeFold(functionByTag, this[$$tag], this.constructor[$$tagList])(this[$$valueList]);};var append = _curry2(function append(el, list) { return _concat(list, [ el ]);});var curry = _curry1(function curry(fn) { return curryN(fn.length, fn);});var _xmap = _curry2(function _xmap(f, xf) { return new XMap(f, xf);});var map = _curry2(_dispatchable([ 'fantasy-land/map', 'map'], _xmap, function map(fn, functor) { switch({ case '[object Function]': return curryN(functor.length, function() { return, functor.apply(this, arguments)); }); case '[object Object]': return _reduce(function(acc, key) { acc[key] = fn(functor[key]); return acc; }, { }, keys(functor)); default: return _map(fn, functor); }}));var nth = _curry2(function nth(offset, list) { var idx = offset < 0 ? list.length + offset : offset; return _isString(list) ? list.charAt(idx) : list[idx];});var prop = _curry2(function prop(p, obj) { if (obj == null) { return; } return __default4(p) ? nth(p, obj) : obj[p];});var reduce = _curry3(_reduce);var _xfilter = _curry2(function _xfilter(f, xf) { return new XFilter(f, xf);});var filter = _curry2(_dispatchable([ 'fantasy-land/filter', 'filter'], _xfilter, function(pred, filterable) { return _isObject(filterable) ? _reduce(function(acc, key) { if (pred(filterable[key])) { acc[key] = filterable[key]; } return acc; }, { }, keys(filterable)) : _filter(pred, filterable);}));var reject = _curry2(function reject(pred, filterable) { return filter(_complement(pred), filterable);});var ap = _curry2(function ap(applyF, applyX) { return typeof applyX['fantasy-land/ap'] === 'function' ? applyX['fantasy-land/ap'](applyF) : typeof applyF.ap === 'function' ? applyF.ap(applyX) : typeof applyF === 'function' ? function(x) { return applyF(x)(applyX(x)); } : _reduce(function(acc, f) { return _concat(acc, map(f, applyX)); }, [], applyF);});var liftN = _curry2(function liftN(arity, fn) { var lifted = curryN(arity, fn); return curryN(arity, function() { return _reduce(ap, map(lifted, arguments[0]),, 1)); });});var lift = _curry1(function lift(fn) { return liftN(fn.length, fn);});var complement = lift(not);function pipe() { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new Error('pipe requires at least one argument'); } return _arity(arguments[0].length, reduce(_pipe, arguments[0], tail(arguments)));}function compose() { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new Error('compose requires at least one argument'); } return pipe.apply(this, reverse(arguments));}var pluck = _curry2(function pluck(p, list) { return map(prop(p), list);});var converge = _curry2(function converge(after, fns) { return curryN(reduce(max, 0, pluck('length', fns)), function() { var args = arguments; var context = this; return after.apply(context, _map(function(fn) { return fn.apply(context, args); }, fns)); });});const assertIsUnit = curry((instance, value)=>instance === value || !!value && instance[$$tag] === value[$$tag] && instance.constructor[$$type] === value.constructor[$$type]);const assertIsTypeRepresentation = curry((typeName, value)=>value !== undefined && value !== null && typeName === value.constructor[$$type]);const assertIsVariant = curry((instance, value)=>!!value && instance[$$tag] === value[$$tag] && instance[$$returnType] === value.constructor[$$type]);const serializeConstructorType = curry((typeName, tag)=>`${typeName}.${tag}`);const serializeConstructorTypeBound = function() { return serializeConstructorType(this[$$returnType], this[$$tag]);};const factorizeValue = curry((propertyNameList, prototype, propertyValueList, argumentCount)=>{ if (argumentCount !== propertyNameList.length) { throw new TypeError(`Expected ${propertyNameList.length} arguments, got ${argumentCount}.`); } return Object.assign(Object.create(prototype), { ...zipObj(propertyNameList, propertyValueList), [$$valueList]: propertyValueList });});const factorizeConstructor = (propertyNameList, prototype)=>{ switch(propertyNameList.length){ case 1: return function(a) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a ], arguments.length); }; case 2: return function(a, b) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a, b ], arguments.length); }; case 3: return function(a, b, c) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a, b, c ], arguments.length); }; case 4: return function(a, b, c, d) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a, b, c, d ], arguments.length); }; case 5: return function(a, b, c, d, e) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a, b, c, d, e ], arguments.length); }; case 6: return function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a, b, c, d, e, f ], arguments.length); }; case 7: return function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g ], arguments.length); }; case 8: return function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ], arguments.length); }; case 9: return function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i ], arguments.length); }; case 10: return function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j ], arguments.length); }; default: return Object.defineProperty(function() { return factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype, arguments, arguments.length); }, 'length', { value: propertyNameList.length }); }};const factorizeConstructorFromObject = (propertyNameList, prototype)=>compose(converge(factorizeValue(propertyNameList, prototype), [ identity, prop("length") ]), (blueprintObject)=>reduce((accumulator, propertyName)=>{ if (complement(has)(propertyName, blueprintObject)) { throw new TypeError(`Missing field: ${propertyName}`); } return [ ...accumulator, blueprintObject[propertyName] ]; }, [], propertyNameList) );export const assertIsInstance = curry((T, value)=>value instanceof T);export const chainLift = curry((binaryFunction, chainableFunctor, functor)=>chainableFunctor.chain((x)=> ));export const chainRec = curry((ternaryFunction, initiator, chainableRecursiveFunctor)=>(chainableRecursiveFunctor.chainRec || chainableRecursiveFunctor["fantasy-land/chainRec"]).call(chainableRecursiveFunctor, ternaryFunction, initiator));export const evert = curry((T, list)=>list.reduce((accumulator, x)=>lift(append)(x, accumulator) , T.of([])));export const insideOut = evert;export const runSequentially = (initialChainableFunctor, ...chainableFunctorList)=>reduce((accumulator, chainableFunctor)=>accumulator.chain((_)=>chainableFunctor ) , initialChainableFunctor, chainableFunctorList);export const safeExtract = curry((message, container)=>container.fold({ Left: (error)=>{ throw new Error(`${message} Error: ${error.hasOwnProperty('raw') ? decodeRaw(error.raw) : `${red(error.message)}\n${gray(error.stack)}`}`); }, Right: (value)=>value }));export const stream = curry(async (composedFunction, accumulator, iterator)=>{ for await (const data of iterator){ accumulator = composedFunction(accumulator, data); } return accumulator;});Either.fromNullable = (value)=>!(typeof value !== "undefined") || !value && typeof value === "object" ? Either.Left(value) : Either.Right(value);Either.left = (value)=>Either.Left(value);Either.right = (value)=>Either.Right(value);Either.of = Either.prototype.of = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/of"] = (value)=>Either.Right(value);Either.prototype.ap = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/ap"] = function(container) { return this.fold({ Left: (_)=>this , Right: (value)=> ? Either.Right(container[$$value](value)) : container });};Either.prototype.extend = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/extend"] = function(unaryFunction) { return this.fold({ Left: (_)=>this , Right: (_)=>Either.of(unaryFunction(this)) });}; = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/map"] = function(unaryFunction) { return this.fold({ Left: (_)=>this , Right: (value)=>Either.of(unaryFunction(value)) });};Either.prototype.traverse = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/traverse"] = function(TypeRepresentation, unaryFunction) { return this.fold({ Left: (value)=>TypeRepresentation.of(Either.Left(value)) , Right: (value)=>unaryFunction(value).map((x)=>Either.Right(x) ) });}; = = Either.prototype["fantasy-land/zero"] = ()=>Either.Left(null);IO.prototype.chain = IO.prototype["fantasy-land/chain"] = function(unaryFunction) { return IO((_)=>unaryFunction(this.asyncFunction()) ).run();}; = IO.prototype["fantasy-land/map"] = function(unaryFunction) { return IO((_)=>unaryFunction(this.asyncFunction()) );};IO.of = IO.prototype.of = IO.prototype["fantasy-land/of"] = (value)=>IO((_)=>value );Maybe.fromNullable = (value)=>!(typeof value !== "undefined") || !value && typeof value === "object" ? Maybe.nothing() : Maybe.just(value);Maybe.just = (value)=>Maybe.Just(value);Maybe.nothing = ()=>Maybe.Nothing;Maybe.of = Maybe.prototype.of = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/of"] = (value)=>Maybe.Just(value);Maybe.prototype.ap = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/ap"] = function(container) { if ( return this; return ? Maybe.of(container[$$value](this[$$value])) : container;};Maybe.prototype.chain = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/chain"] = function(unaryFunction) { return this.fold({ Nothing: (_)=>Maybe.Nothing , Just: (value)=>unaryFunction(value) });};Maybe.prototype.extend = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/extend"] = function(unaryFunction) { return this.fold({ Nothing: (_)=>Maybe.Nothing , Just: (_)=>Maybe.of(unaryFunction(this)) });};Maybe.prototype.extract = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/extract"] = function() { return this.fold({ Nothing: (_)=>Maybe.Nothing , Just: (value)=>value });};Maybe.prototype.filter = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/filter"] = function(predicate) { return this.fold({ Nothing: (_)=>this , Just: (value)=>predicate(value) ? this : Maybe.Nothing });}; = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/map"] = function(unaryFunction) { return this.fold({ Nothing: (_)=>this , Just: (value)=>Maybe.of(unaryFunction(value)) });};Maybe.prototype.traverse = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/traverse"] = function(TypeRepresentation, unaryFunction) { return this.fold({ Nothing: (_)=>TypeRepresentation.of(Maybe.Nothing) , Just: (value)=>unaryFunction(value).map((x)=>Maybe.Just(x) ) });}; = = Maybe.prototype["fantasy-land/zero"] = ()=>Maybe.Nothing;var invoker = _curry2(function invoker(arity, method) { return curryN(arity + 1, function() { var target = arguments[arity]; if (target != null && _isFunction(target[method])) { return target[method].apply(target,, 0, arity)); } throw new TypeError(toString3(target) + ' does not have a method named "' + method + '"'); });});var join = invoker(1, 'join');const serializeTypeInstance = curry((typeName, valueList)=>`${typeName}(${serializeList(valueList)})`);const serializeTypeInstanceWithTag = curry((typeName, tagName, valueList)=>valueList.length > 0 ? `${typeName}.${tagName}(${serializeList(valueList)})` : `${typeName}.${tagName}`);const serializeTypeInstanceBound = function() { return Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty($$tag) ? serializeTypeInstanceWithTag(this.constructor[$$type], this[$$tag], this[$$valueList]) : serializeTypeInstance(this.constructor[$$type], this[$$valueList]);};export const factorizeType = (typeName, propertyNameList)=>{ let prototypeAccumulator = { toString: serializeTypeInstanceBound, [$$inspect]: serializeTypeInstanceBound, [$$type]: typeName }; const typeRepresentationConstructor = factorizeConstructor(propertyNameList, prototypeAccumulator); typeRepresentationConstructor.from = factorizeConstructorFromObject(propertyNameList, prototypeAccumulator); = assertIsTypeRepresentation(typeName); typeRepresentationConstructor.prototype = prototypeAccumulator; typeRepresentationConstructor.toString = serializeTypeRepresentationBound; typeRepresentationConstructor[$$inspect] = serializeTypeRepresentationBound; typeRepresentationConstructor[$$type] = typeName; prototypeAccumulator.constructor = typeRepresentationConstructor; return typeRepresentationConstructor;};export const factorizeSumType = (typeName, propertyNameListByTag)=>{ let prototypeAccumulator = { fold: factorizeFoldBound, toString: serializeTypeInstanceBound, [$$inspect]: serializeTypeInstanceBound }; const tagList = Object.keys(propertyNameListByTag); const typeRepresentation = prototypeAccumulator.constructor = { is: assertIsTypeRepresentation(typeName), prototype: prototypeAccumulator, toString: serializeTypeRepresentationBound, [$$inspect]: serializeTypeRepresentationBound, [$$tagList]: tagList, [$$type]: typeName }; for (const [tag, propertyNameList] of Object.entries(propertyNameListByTag)){ const tagPrototypeAccumulator = Object.assign(Object.create(prototypeAccumulator), { [$$tag]: tag }); if (propertyNameList.length === 0) { typeRepresentation[tag] = factorizeValue(propertyNameList, tagPrototypeAccumulator, [], 0); typeRepresentation[tag].is = assertIsUnit(typeRepresentation[tag]); continue; } typeRepresentation[tag] = factorizeConstructor(propertyNameList, tagPrototypeAccumulator); typeRepresentation[tag].from = factorizeConstructorFromObject(propertyNameList, tagPrototypeAccumulator); typeRepresentation[tag].toString = serializeConstructorTypeBound; typeRepresentation[tag][$$inspect] = serializeConstructorTypeBound; typeRepresentation[tag][$$returnType] = typeName; typeRepresentation[tag][$$tag] = tag; typeRepresentation[tag].is = assertIsVariant(typeRepresentation[tag]); } return typeRepresentation;};export const Pair = factorizeType("Pair", [ "first", "second"]);Pair.prototype.bimap = Pair.prototype["fantasy-land/bimap"] = function(unaryFunctionA, unaryFunctionB) { return Pair(unaryFunctionA(this.first), unaryFunctionB(this.second));}; = Pair.prototype["fantasy-land/map"] = function(unaryFunction) { return Pair(unaryFunction(this.first), this.second);};export const factorizePair = curry(Pair);export default Pair;const Step = factorizeSumType("Step", { Done: [ 'value' ], Loop: [ 'value' ]});const Done = Step.Done;const Loop = Step.Loop;export const Task = factorizeType("Task", [ "asyncFunction"]);Task.wrap = (asyncFunction)=>{ let promise; const proxyFunction = function(...argumentList) { promise = promise ||, ...argumentList); return promise.then((maybeContainer)=> ? maybeContainer : __default.Right(maybeContainer) , (maybeContainer)=> ? maybeContainer : __default.Left(maybeContainer) ); }; return Object.defineProperty(Task(Object.defineProperty(proxyFunction, 'length', { value: asyncFunction.length })), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `Task(${serializeFunctionForDebug(asyncFunction)})` });};Task.prototype.ap = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/ap"] = function(container) { return Object.defineProperty(Task((_)=>{ const maybePromiseValue = this.asyncFunction(); const maybePromiseUnaryFunction = container.asyncFunction(); return Promise.all([ maybePromiseUnaryFunction instanceof Promise ? maybePromiseUnaryFunction : Promise.resolve(maybePromiseUnaryFunction), maybePromiseValue instanceof Promise ? maybePromiseValue : Promise.resolve(maybePromiseValue) ]).then(([maybeApplicativeUnaryFunction, maybeContainerValue])=>{ return (Reflect.getPrototypeOf(maybeContainerValue).ap ? maybeContainerValue : __default.Right(maybeContainerValue)).ap(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(maybeApplicativeUnaryFunction).ap ? maybeApplicativeUnaryFunction : __default.Right(maybeApplicativeUnaryFunction)); }); }), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `${this[$$debug]}.ap(${container})` });};Task.prototype.chain = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/chain"] = function(unaryFunction) { return Object.defineProperty(Task((_)=>{ const maybePromise = this.asyncFunction(); return (maybePromise instanceof Promise ? maybePromise : Promise.resolve(maybePromise)).then((maybeContainer)=>( ? maybeContainer : __default.Right(maybeContainer)).chain((value)=>{ const maybePromise1 = unaryFunction(value).run(); return (maybePromise1 instanceof Promise ? maybePromise1 : Promise.resolve(maybePromise1)).then((maybeContainer1)=> ? maybeContainer1 : __default.Right(maybeContainer1) , (maybeContainer1)=> ? maybeContainer1 : __default.Left(maybeContainer1) ); }) , __default.Left); }), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `${this[$$debug]}.chain(${serializeFunctionForDebug(unaryFunction)})` });};Task.prototype.chainRec = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/chainRec"] = function(ternaryFunction, initialCursor) { let accumulator = this; let result = Loop(__default(initialCursor, null)); while(!{ result = ternaryFunction(Loop, Done, result.value.first); if ( { accumulator = chainLift(concat, accumulator, result.value.second); } } return accumulator;}; = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/map"] = function(unaryFunction) { return Object.defineProperty(Task((_)=>{ const promise = this.asyncFunction(); return promise.then((container)=>container.chain((value)=>{ const maybeContainer = unaryFunction(value); return ? maybeContainer : __default.Right(maybeContainer); }) , __default.Left); }), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `${this[$$debug]}.map(${serializeFunctionForDebug(unaryFunction)})` });};Task.of = Task.prototype.of = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/of"] = (value)=>Object.defineProperty(Task((_)=>Promise.resolve(__default.Right(value)) ), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `Task(${serializeFunctionForDebug(value)})` });export default Task;function _uniqContentEquals(aIterator, bIterator, stackA, stackB) { var a = _arrayFromIterator(aIterator); var b = _arrayFromIterator(bIterator); function eq(_a, _b) { return _equals(_a, _b, stackA.slice(), stackB.slice()); } return !_includesWith(function(b1, aItem) { return !_includesWith(eq, aItem, b1); }, b, a);}function _equals(a, b, stackA, stackB) { if (__default1(a, b)) { return true; } var typeA = type(a); if (typeA !== type(b)) { return false; } if (typeof a['fantasy-land/equals'] === 'function' || typeof b['fantasy-land/equals'] === 'function') { return typeof a['fantasy-land/equals'] === 'function' && a['fantasy-land/equals'](b) && typeof b['fantasy-land/equals'] === 'function' && b['fantasy-land/equals'](a); } if (typeof a.equals === 'function' || typeof b.equals === 'function') { return typeof a.equals === 'function' && a.equals(b) && typeof b.equals === 'function' && b.equals(a); } switch(typeA){ case 'Arguments': case 'Array': case 'Object': if (typeof a.constructor === 'function' && _functionName(a.constructor) === 'Promise') { return a === b; } break; case 'Boolean': case 'Number': case 'String': if (!(typeof a === typeof b && __default1(a.valueOf(), b.valueOf()))) { return false; } break; case 'Date': if (!__default1(a.valueOf(), b.valueOf())) { return false; } break; case 'Error': return === && a.message === b.message; case 'RegExp': if (!(a.source === b.source && === && a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase && a.multiline === b.multiline && a.sticky === b.sticky && a.unicode === b.unicode)) { return false; } break; } var idx = stackA.length - 1; while(idx >= 0){ if (stackA[idx] === a) { return stackB[idx] === b; } idx -= 1; } switch(typeA){ case 'Map': if (a.size !== b.size) { return false; } return _uniqContentEquals(a.entries(), b.entries(), stackA.concat([ a ]), stackB.concat([ b ])); case 'Set': if (a.size !== b.size) { return false; } return _uniqContentEquals(a.values(), b.values(), stackA.concat([ a ]), stackB.concat([ b ])); case 'Arguments': case 'Array': case 'Object': case 'Boolean': case 'Number': case 'String': case 'Date': case 'Error': case 'RegExp': case 'Int8Array': case 'Uint8Array': case 'Uint8ClampedArray': case 'Int16Array': case 'Uint16Array': case 'Int32Array': case 'Uint32Array': case 'Float32Array': case 'Float64Array': case 'ArrayBuffer': break; default: return false; } var keysA = keys(a); if (keysA.length !== keys(b).length) { return false; } var extendedStackA = stackA.concat([ a ]); var extendedStackB = stackB.concat([ b ]); idx = keysA.length - 1; while(idx >= 0){ var key = keysA[idx]; if (!(_has(key, b) && _equals(b[key], a[key], extendedStackA, extendedStackB))) { return false; } idx -= 1; } return true;}var equals = _curry2(function equals(a, b) { return _equals(a, b, [], []);});function _indexOf(list, a, idx) { var inf, item; if (typeof list.indexOf === 'function') { switch(typeof a){ case 'number': if (a === 0) { inf = 1 / a; while(idx < list.length){ item = list[idx]; if (item === 0 && 1 / item === inf) { return idx; } idx += 1; } return -1; } else if (a !== a) { while(idx < list.length){ item = list[idx]; if (typeof item === 'number' && item !== item) { return idx; } idx += 1; } return -1; } return list.indexOf(a, idx); case 'string': case 'boolean': case 'function': case 'undefined': return list.indexOf(a, idx); case 'object': if (a === null) { return list.indexOf(a, idx); } } } while(idx < list.length){ if (equals(list[idx], a)) { return idx; } idx += 1; } return -1;}function _includes(a, list) { return _indexOf(list, a, 0) >= 0;}function _toString(x, seen) { var recur = function recur(y) { var xs = seen.concat([ x ]); return _includes(y, xs) ? '<Circular>' : _toString(y, xs); }; var mapPairs = function(obj, keys1) { return _map(function(k) { return _quote(k) + ': ' + recur(obj[k]); }, keys1.slice().sort()); }; switch({ case '[object Arguments]': return '(function() { return arguments; }(' + _map(recur, x).join(', ') + '))'; case '[object Array]': return '[' + _map(recur, x).concat(mapPairs(x, reject(function(k) { return /^\d+$/.test(k); }, keys(x)))).join(', ') + ']'; case '[object Boolean]': return typeof x === 'object' ? 'new Boolean(' + recur(x.valueOf()) + ')' : x.toString(); case '[object Date]': return 'new Date(' + (isNaN(x.valueOf()) ? recur(NaN) : _quote(_toISOString(x))) + ')'; case '[object Null]': return 'null'; case '[object Number]': return typeof x === 'object' ? 'new Number(' + recur(x.valueOf()) + ')' : 1 / x === -Infinity ? '-0' : x.toString(10); case '[object String]': return typeof x === 'object' ? 'new String(' + recur(x.valueOf()) + ')' : _quote(x); case '[object Undefined]': return 'undefined'; default: if (typeof x.toString === 'function') { var repr = x.toString(); if (repr !== '[object Object]') { return repr; } } return '{' + mapPairs(x, keys(x)).join(', ') + '}'; }}var toString2 = _curry1(function toString2(val) { return _toString(val, []);});export const Either = factorizeSumType("Either", { Left: [ $$value ], Right: [ $$value ]});export default Either;export const IO = factorizeType("IO", [ "asyncFunction"]);export default IO;export const Maybe = factorizeSumType("Maybe", { Nothing: [], Just: [ $$value ]});export default Maybe;const toString3 = toString2;const serializeList = compose(join(", "), map(toString2));