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An isomorphic Javascript library for GoTrue.
class default
import { default } from "";


default(options: { url?: string; headers?: { [key: string]: string; }; detectSessionInUrl?: boolean; autoRefreshToken?: boolean; persistSession?: boolean; localStorage?: Storage; cookieOptions?: CookieOptions; })

Create a new client for use in the browser.


autoRefreshToken: boolean
currentSession: Session | null

The session object for the currently logged in user or null.

currentUser: User | null

The currently logged in user or null.

localStorage: SupportedStorage
persistSession: boolean
refreshTokenTimer: ReturnType<setTimeout>
stateChangeEmitters: Map<string, Subscription>

Namespace for the GoTrue API methods. These can be used for example to get a user from a JWT in a server environment or reset a user's password.


email: string,
password: string,
options?: { redirectTo?: string; },
_handlePhoneSignIn(phone: string, password: string)
_handleProviderSignIn(provider: Provider, options?: { redirectTo?: string; scopes?: string; })
_persistSession(currentSession: Session)

Recovers the session from LocalStorage and refreshes Note: this method is async to accommodate for AsyncStorage e.g. in React native.

Attempts to get the session from LocalStorage Note: this should never be async (even for React Native), as we need it to return immediately in the constructor.

_saveSession(session: Session)

set currentSession and currentUser process to _startAutoRefreshToken if possible

_startAutoRefreshToken(value: number)

Clear and re-create refresh token timer

getSessionFromUrl(options?: { storeSession?: boolean; }): Promise<{ data: Session | null; error: ApiError | null; }>

Gets the session data from a URL string

onAuthStateChange(callback: (event: AuthChangeEvent, session: Session | null) => void): { data: Subscription | null; error: ApiError | null; }

Receive a notification every time an auth event happens.

refreshSession(): Promise<{ data: Session | null; user: User | null; error: ApiError | null; }>

Force refreshes the session including the user data in case it was updated in a different session.

session(): Session | null

Returns the session data, if there is an active session.

setAuth(access_token: string): Session

Overrides the JWT on the current client. The JWT will then be sent in all subsequent network requests.

setSession(refresh_token: string): Promise<{ session: Session | null; error: ApiError | null; }>

Sets the session data from refresh_token and returns current Session and Error

signIn(unnamed 0: UserCredentials, options?: { redirectTo?: string; scopes?: string; }): Promise<{ session: Session | null; user: User | null; provider?: Provider; url?: string | null; error: ApiError | null; data: Session | null; }>

Log in an existing user, or login via a third-party provider.

signOut(): Promise<{ error: ApiError | null; }>

Inside a browser context, signOut() will remove extract the logged in user from the browser session and log them out - removing all items from localstorage and then trigger a "SIGNED_OUT" event.

For server-side management, you can disable sessions by passing a JWT through to auth.api.signOut(JWT: string)

signUp(unnamed 0: UserCredentials, options?: { redirectTo?: string; data?: Record<string, unknown>; }): Promise<{ user: User | null; session: Session | null; error: ApiError | null; data: Session | User | null; }>

Creates a new user.

update(attributes: UserAttributes): Promise<{ data: User | null; user: User | null; error: ApiError | null; }>

Updates user data, if there is a logged in user.

user(): User | null

Inside a browser context, user() will return the user data, if there is a logged in user.

For server-side management, you can get a user through auth.api.getUserByCookie()

verifyOTP(unnamed 0: VerifyOTPParams, options?: { redirectTo?: string; }): Promise<{ user: User | null; session: Session | null; error: ApiError | null; data: Session | User | null; }>

Log in a user given a User supplied OTP received via mobile.