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type alias MergeSchemaPath
import { type MergeSchemaPath } from "";

Type Parameters

OrigSchema extends Schema
SubPath extends string
definition: [P in keyof OrigSchemain keyof MergePath<SubPath, P & string>]: [M in keyof OrigSchema[P]]: OrigSchema[P][M] extends { input: infer Input; output: infer Output; } ? { input: Input extends { param: infer _; } ? ExtractParams<SubPath> extends never ? Input : FlattenIfIntersect<Input & { param: [K in keyof ExtractParams<SubPath>in keyof K extends `${infer Prefix}{${infer _}}` ? Prefix : K]: string; }> : RemoveBlankRecord<ExtractParams<SubPath>> extends never ? Input : Input & { param: [K in keyof ExtractParams<SubPath>in keyof K extends `${infer Prefix}{${infer _}}` ? Prefix : K]: string; }; output: Output; } : never