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WASM-based implementation of Cloudflare's HTML Rewriter for use in Deno, browsers, etc.
export interface ContentTypeOptions { html?: boolean;}
export class Element { before(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; after(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; replace(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; remove(): this; getAttribute(name: string): string | null; hasAttribute(name: string): boolean; setAttribute(name: string, value: string): this; removeAttribute(name: string): this; prepend(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; append(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; setInnerContent(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; removeAndKeepContent(): this; readonly attributes: IterableIterator<[string, string]>; readonly namespaceURI: string; readonly removed: boolean; tagName: string; onEndTag(handler: (this: this, endTag: EndTag) => void | Promise<void>): void;}
export class EndTag { before(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; after(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; remove(): this; name: string;}
export class Comment { before(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; after(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; replace(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; remove(): this; readonly removed: boolean; text: string;}
export class TextChunk { before(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; after(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; replace(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this; remove(): this; readonly lastInTextNode: boolean; readonly removed: boolean; readonly text: string;}
export class Doctype { readonly name: string | null; readonly publicId: string | null; readonly systemId: string | null;}
export class DocumentEnd { append(content: string, options?: ContentTypeOptions): this;}
export interface ElementHandlers { element?(element: Element): void | Promise<void>; comments?(comment: Comment): void | Promise<void>; text?(text: TextChunk): void | Promise<void>;}
export interface DocumentHandlers { doctype?(doctype: Doctype): void | Promise<void>; comments?(comment: Comment): void | Promise<void>; text?(text: TextChunk): void | Promise<void>; end?(end: DocumentEnd): void | Promise<void>;}
export interface HTMLRewriterOptions { enableEsiTags?: boolean;}
export class HTMLRewriter { constructor( outputSink: (chunk: Uint8Array) => void, options?: HTMLRewriterOptions ); on(selector: string, handlers: ElementHandlers): this; onDocument(handlers: DocumentHandlers): this; write(chunk: Uint8Array): Promise<void>; end(): Promise<void>; free(): void;}