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Perceptual JPEG image hashing for Deno via Blockhash.js


import { imageHash, jpeg } from "";

serve(async (request: Request) => {
    const rawImageData: Uint8Array = request.body
    const hash = await imageHash(rawImageData, 10);
    // OR
    const decodedImage = jpeg.decode(rawImageData)
    const hash = await imageHash(decodedImage, 10);
    return new Response(JSON.stringify({hash}), {status: 200})


imageHash(imgData, bits?)

Returns: string

Returns the hash value as a string of hexadecimal characters.


Type: Uint8Array or jpeg.Image

The image data to hash. This can be a Uint8Array or a jpeg.Image object.

The return value of jpeg.decode() is a jpeg.Image object

bits = 10


Type: number / Default: 10

The number of bits to use for the hash. The higher the number, the more accurate the hash, but the longer it will take to compute.

hammingDistance(hash1, hash2)

Calculate distance in bits between two hashes.


This module uses the following projects with some changes to work with Deno:

Inspired by: deno-image