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Parser for JSON with comments
function parse(text: string, reviver?: ((this: any, key: string, value: any) => any)): any { const lines = text.split('\n'); const linesNoComment: string[] = []; let inBlockComment = false; for (let line of lines) { let inString = false; for (let i = 0, len = line.length; i < len; i++) { const char = line[i]; const isLastChar = i === len -1; if (char === '\\') { i++;
} else if (inString) { if (char === '"') { inString = false; }
} else if (inBlockComment) { if (char == '*' && !isLastChar && line[i + 1] === '/') { inBlockComment = false; line = line.substr(0, i) + ' ' + line.substr(i + 2); i++; } else { line = line.substr(0, i) + ' ' + line.substr(i + 1); }
} else if (char === '"') { inString = true;
} else { // LINE COMMENT if (char === '/' && !isLastChar && line[i + 1] === '/') { line = line.substr(0, i); break; }
// BLOCK COMMENT if (char == '/' && !isLastChar && line[i + 1] === '*') { inBlockComment = true; line = line.substr(0, i) + ' ' + line.substr(i + 2); i++; } } } linesNoComment.push(line); } return JSON.parse(linesNoComment.join(''), reviver);}
export const JSONC = { parse };