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REST focused Typescript classes for Kubernetes APIs, and tools for generating API interfaces
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interface Certificate
import { type Certificate } from "";

A Certificate resource should be created to ensure an up to date and signed x509 certificate is stored in the Kubernetes Secret resource named in spec.secretName. The stored certificate will be renewed before it expires (as configured by spec.renewBefore).


apiVersion: ""
kind: "Certificate"
metadata: MetaV1.ObjectMeta | null
spec: { commonName?: string | null; dnsNames?: Array<string> | null; duration?: string | null; emailAddresses?: Array<string> | null; encodeUsagesInRequest?: boolean | null; ipAddresses?: Array<string> | null; isCA?: boolean | null; issuerRef: { group?: string | null; kind?: string | null; name: string; }; keystores?: { jks?: { create: boolean; passwordSecretRef: SecretRef; } | null; pkcs12?: { create: boolean; passwordSecretRef: SecretRef; } | null; } | null; privateKey?: { algorithm?:
| "RSA"
| "Ed25519"
| c.UnexpectedEnumValue
| null
; encoding?:
| "PKCS1"
| "PKCS8"
| c.UnexpectedEnumValue
| null
; rotationPolicy?: string | null; size?: number | null; } | null
; renewBefore?: string | null; revisionHistoryLimit?: number | null; secretName: string; secretTemplate?: { annotations?: Record<string, string> | null; labels?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null; subject?: { countries?: Array<string> | null; localities?: Array<string> | null; organizationalUnits?: Array<string> | null; organizations?: Array<string> | null; postalCodes?: Array<string> | null; provinces?: Array<string> | null; serialNumber?: string | null; streetAddresses?: Array<string> | null; } | null; uris?: Array<string> | null; usages?: Array<
| "signing"
| "digital signature"
| "content commitment"
| "key encipherment"
| "key agreement"
| "data encipherment"
| "cert sign"
| "crl sign"
| "encipher only"
| "decipher only"
| "any"
| "server auth"
| "client auth"
| "code signing"
| "email protection"
| "s/mime"
| "ipsec end system"
| "ipsec tunnel"
| "ipsec user"
| "timestamping"
| "ocsp signing"
| "microsoft sgc"
| "netscape sgc"
| c.UnexpectedEnumValue
> | null
; }
status: { conditions?: Array<{ lastTransitionTime?: c.Time | null; message?: string | null; observedGeneration?: number | null; reason?: string | null; status:
| "True"
| "False"
| "Unknown"
| c.UnexpectedEnumValue
; type: string; }> | null
; lastFailureTime?: c.Time | null; nextPrivateKeySecretName?: string | null; notAfter?: c.Time | null; notBefore?: c.Time | null; renewalTime?: c.Time | null; revision?: number | null; } | null