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REST focused Typescript classes for Kubernetes APIs, and tools for generating API interfaces
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Generated, typed interfaces to make every possible Kubernetes API request and work with richer data structures.

Actual request transports implemented in /x/kubernetes_client.


Here’s a basic request, listing all Pods in the default namespace. It uses the autoDetectClient() entrypoint which returns the first usable client.

import { autoDetectClient } from '';
import { CoreV1Api } from '';

const kubernetes = await autoDetectClient();
const coreApi = new CoreV1Api(kubernetes).namespace("default");

const podList = await coreApi.getPodList();

// see files in examples/ for more API demos (watching, creation, etc)

When running locally (with kubectl set up), you probably just to add --allow-run=kubectl to run this. For a container being deployed onto a cluster, there’s more flags to provide instead; see /x/kubernetes_client for more information.


  • v0.5.0 on 2023-08-19:

    • Updating /x/kubernetes_client API contract to v0.7.0.
    • Actually implement PodExec, PodAttach, PodPortForward APIs with a new tunnel implementation.
    • Includes ‘builtin’ APIs generated from K8s v1.28.0.
      • New APIs:,
      • Also, API additions for sidecar containers and SelfSubjectReview.
    • Fix several structures incorrectly typed as {} instead of JSONValue.
  • v0.4.0 on 2023-02-10:

    • Updating /x/kubernetes_client API contract to v0.5.0.
    • Breaking change: The return type of delete functions has been widened to a union.
      • If you were using a deletion response, you can use type narrowing to detect which Kind was returned.
      • See #4 for more information.
    • Includes ‘builtin’ APIs generated from K8s v1.26.1.
      • Numerous alpha and beta APIs removed, including autoscaling, batch, and policy
      • Further API changes are detailed in Github Releases.
    • cert-manager CRDs have been updated. Removes v1beta1, v1alpha3, and v1alpha2 APIs.
    • argo-cd CRDs have been updated. Adds a new ApplicationSet CRD.
      • Some nested structures were deduplicated to reduce code size.
    • Added CRDs for Vertical Pod Autoscaler.
    • Add streamPodLogs to allow fetching pod logs as a ReadableStream<string>.
  • v0.3.2 on 2021-12-02:

    • Updating /x/kubernetes_client API contract to v0.3.2.
    • Includes ‘builtin’ APIs generated from K8s v1.22.4.
      • Numerous v1beta1 API versions were removed in favor of stable v1 APIs.
      • Further API changes are detailed in Github Releases.
    • cert-manager and external-dns CRDs have been updated from the latest releases.
    • Added CRDs for argo-cd.
  • v0.3.1 on 2021-05-09:

    • Updating /x/kubernetes_client API contract to v0.2.4.
    • Includes ‘builtin’ APIs generated from K8s v1.21.0.
      • get functions no longer accept export or exact.
    • cert-manager and external-dns CRDs have been updated from the latest releases.
  • v0.3.0 on 2021-02-28:

    • Updating /x/kubernetes_client API contract to v0.2.0.
      • Breaking change!
      • If you import autoDetectClient and other client APIs from this common.ts, those now come from client.ts instead (or just import /x/kubernetes_client yourself).
      • This upstream release vastly improves cluster client detection logic.
    • Now handles v1.Status error payloads when processing any response body.
    • Added shebang and execute bit to every script in examples/.
    • Optimized redundencies out of cert-manager structures (half the file size now)
  • v0.2.0 on 2020-12-29:

    • Includes ‘builtin’ APIs generated from K8s v1.20.
    • Patching and deletion is more stable; mistype error messages are vastly improved.
    • ApiExtensions and ApiRegistration groups are now included.
    • Updating /x/kubernetes_client API contract to v0.1.2.
    • Reflector implementation has been moved up to /x/kubernetes_client.
    • Core’s proxy endpoints (Node/Pod/Service) are now implemented and usable.
    • CRDs are now generated from original YAML instead of from a cluster’s generated APIs.
    • cert-manager’s CRDs have been updated to v1 and external-dns’s CRDs also added.
  • v0.1.0 on 2020-11-17:

    • Initial release, with ‘builtin’ APIs generated from K8s v1.19.
    • There’s still a fair amount of TODOs for particular resources, and structure types.
    • A workable Reflector implementation is included.
    • cert-manager’s CRDs have a generated client as well, as an experiment.


  • PATCH requests
  • Solidify Quantity, Duration, etc
  • Reconcile deletion response kinds (might still be fallout)
  • Story for generating API clients directly from CRD specifications
  • Story for generating the whole API surface of a specific cluster
  • Move Reflector implementation upstream to /x/kubernetes_client