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REST focused Typescript classes for Kubernetes APIs, and tools for generating API interfaces
interface ApplicationSetGenerator
import { type ApplicationSetGenerator } from "";


clusterDecisionResource: { configMapRef: string; labelSelector?: MetaV1.LabelSelector | null; name?: string | null; requeueAfterSeconds?: number | null; template?: ApplicationTemplate | null; values?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null
clusters: { selector?: MetaV1.LabelSelector | null; template?: ApplicationTemplate | null; values?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null
git: { directories?: Array<{ exclude?: boolean | null; path: string; }> | null; files?: Array<{ path: string; }> | null; pathParamPrefix?: string | null; repoURL: string; requeueAfterSeconds?: number | null; revision: string; template?: ApplicationTemplate | null; values?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null
list: { elements: Array<c.JSONValue>; elementsYaml?: string | null; template?: ApplicationTemplate | null; } | null
matrix: { generators: Array<ApplicationSetGenerator>; template?: ApplicationTemplate | null; } | null
merge: { generators: Array<ApplicationSetGenerator>; mergeKeys: Array<string>; template?: ApplicationTemplate | null; } | null
plugin: { configMapRef: { name: string; }; input?: { parameters?: Record<string, c.JSONValue> | null; } | null; requeueAfterSeconds?: number | null; template?: ApplicationTemplate | null; values?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null
pullRequest: { azuredevops?: { api?: string | null; labels?: Array<string> | null; organization: string; project: string; repo: string; tokenRef?: { key: string; secretName: string; } | null; } | null; bitbucket?: { api?: string | null; basicAuth?: { passwordRef: { key: string; secretName: string; }; username: string; } | null; bearerToken?: { tokenRef: { key: string; secretName: string; }; } | null; owner: string; repo: string; } | null; bitbucketServer?: { api: string; basicAuth?: { passwordRef: { key: string; secretName: string; }; username: string; } | null; project: string; repo: string; } | null; filters?: Array<{ branchMatch?: string | null; targetBranchMatch?: string | null; }> | null; gitea?: { api: string; insecure?: boolean | null; owner: string; repo: string; tokenRef?: { key: string; secretName: string; } | null; } | null; github?: { api?: string | null; appSecretName?: string | null; labels?: Array<string> | null; owner: string; repo: string; tokenRef?: { key: string; secretName: string; } | null; } | null; gitlab?: { api?: string | null; insecure?: boolean | null; labels?: Array<string> | null; project: string; pullRequestState?: string | null; tokenRef?: { key: string; secretName: string; } | null; } | null; requeueAfterSeconds?: number | null; template?: ApplicationTemplate | null; } | null
scmProvider: { awsCodeCommit?: { allBranches?: boolean | null; region?: string | null; role?: string | null; tagFilters?: Array<{ key: string; value?: string | null; }> | null; } | null; azureDevOps?: { accessTokenRef: { key: string; secretName: string; }; allBranches?: boolean | null; api?: string | null; organization: string; teamProject: string; } | null; bitbucket?: { allBranches?: boolean | null; appPasswordRef: { key: string; secretName: string; }; owner: string; user: string; } | null; bitbucketServer?: { allBranches?: boolean | null; api: string; basicAuth?: { passwordRef: { key: string; secretName: string; }; username: string; } | null; project: string; } | null; cloneProtocol?: string | null; filters?: Array<{ branchMatch?: string | null; labelMatch?: string | null; pathsDoNotExist?: Array<string> | null; pathsExist?: Array<string> | null; repositoryMatch?: string | null; }> | null; gitea?: { allBranches?: boolean | null; api: string; insecure?: boolean | null; owner: string; tokenRef?: { key: string; secretName: string; } | null; } | null; github?: { allBranches?: boolean | null; api?: string | null; appSecretName?: string | null; organization: string; tokenRef?: { key: string; secretName: string; } | null; } | null; gitlab?: { allBranches?: boolean | null; api?: string | null; group: string; includeSubgroups?: boolean | null; insecure?: boolean | null; tokenRef?: { key: string; secretName: string; } | null; } | null; requeueAfterSeconds?: number | null; template?: ApplicationTemplate | null; values?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null
selector: MetaV1.LabelSelector | null