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REST focused Typescript classes for Kubernetes APIs, and tools for generating API interfaces
interface SolverSpec
import { type SolverSpec } from "";

An ACMEChallengeSolver describes how to solve ACME challenges for the issuer it is part of. A selector may be provided to use different solving strategies for different DNS names. Only one of HTTP01 or DNS01 must be provided.


dns01: { acmeDNS?: { accountSecretRef: SecretRef; host: string; } | null; akamai?: { accessTokenSecretRef: SecretRef; clientSecretSecretRef: SecretRef; clientTokenSecretRef: SecretRef; serviceConsumerDomain: string; } | null; azureDNS?: { clientID?: string | null; clientSecretSecretRef?: SecretRef | null; environment?:
| "AzurePublicCloud"
| "AzureChinaCloud"
| "AzureGermanCloud"
| "AzureUSGovernmentCloud"
| c.UnexpectedEnumValue
| null
; hostedZoneName?: string | null; managedIdentity?: { clientID?: string | null; resourceID?: string | null; } | null; resourceGroupName: string; subscriptionID: string; tenantID?: string | null; } | null
; cloudDNS?: { hostedZoneName?: string | null; project: string; serviceAccountSecretRef?: SecretRef | null; } | null; cloudflare?: { apiKeySecretRef?: SecretRef | null; apiTokenSecretRef?: SecretRef | null; email?: string | null; } | null; cnameStrategy?:
| "None"
| "Follow"
| c.UnexpectedEnumValue
| null
; digitalocean?: { tokenSecretRef: SecretRef; } | null; rfc2136?: { nameserver: string; tsigAlgorithm?: string | null; tsigKeyName?: string | null; tsigSecretSecretRef?: SecretRef | null; } | null; route53?: { accessKeyID?: string | null; accessKeyIDSecretRef?: SecretRef | null; hostedZoneID?: string | null; region: string; role?: string | null; secretAccessKeySecretRef?: SecretRef | null; } | null; webhook?: { config?: c.JSONValue | null; groupName: string; solverName: string; } | null; } | null
http01: { gatewayHTTPRoute?: { labels?: Record<string, string> | null; parentRefs?: Array<{ group?: string | null; kind?: string | null; name: string; namespace?: string | null; port?: number | null; sectionName?: string | null; }> | null; serviceType?: string | null; } | null; ingress?: { class?: string | null; ingressClassName?: string | null; ingressTemplate?: { metadata?: { annotations?: Record<string, string> | null; labels?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null; } | null; name?: string | null; podTemplate?: { metadata?: { annotations?: Record<string, string> | null; labels?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null; spec?: { affinity?: CoreV1.Affinity | null; imagePullSecrets?: Array<{ name?: string | null; }> | null; nodeSelector?: Record<string, string> | null; priorityClassName?: string | null; serviceAccountName?: string | null; tolerations?: Array<{ effect?: string | null; key?: string | null; operator?: string | null; tolerationSeconds?: number | null; value?: string | null; }> | null; } | null; } | null; serviceType?: string | null; } | null; } | null
selector: { dnsNames?: Array<string> | null; dnsZones?: Array<string> | null; matchLabels?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null