import { type Bindings } from "";
Bindings represents the mapping of variables to RDF values using an immutable Map-like representation.
This means that methods such as set
and delete
do not modify this instance,
but they return a new Bindings instance that contains the modification.
Bindings instances are created using a BindingsFactory.
The internal order of variable-value entries is undefined.
Check if a binding exist for the given variable.
Obtain the binding value for the given variable.
Create a new Bindings object by adding the given variable and value mapping.
If the variable already exists in the binding, then the existing mapping is overwritten.
Create a new Bindings object by removing the given variable.
If the variable does not exist in the binding, a copy of the Bindings object is returned.
Obtain all variables for which mappings exist.
Obtain all values that are mapped to.
Iterate over all variable-value pairs.
Iterator over all variable-value pairs.
Create a new Bindings object by filtering entries using a callback.
Create a new Bindings object by mapping entries using a callback.
Merge this bindings with another.
If a merge conflict occurs (this and other have an equal variable with unequal value), then undefined is returned.