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LDkit - Linked Data query toolkit for TypeScript developers
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import type * as RDF from "npm:rdf-js@4.0.2";
export type { RDF };
export { fromRdf, toRdf } from "npm:rdf-literal@1.3.1";
import { DataFactory, DefaultGraph } from "npm:rdf-data-factory@1.1.1";export { DataFactory, DefaultGraph };
import type { IDataSource, IQueryContextCommon,} from "npm:@comunica/types@2.6.8";
export type LDkitContext = { graph?: string; language?: string;};
export type Context = & LDkitContext & RDF.QueryStringContext & RDF.QuerySourceContext<IDataSource> & IQueryContextCommon;
export type IQueryEngine = RDF.StringSparqlQueryable< RDF.SparqlResultSupport, Context>;
export type Iri = string;
export type Node = Map<Iri, RDF.Term[]>;
export type Graph = Map<Iri, Node>;
export const quadsToGraph = (quads: RDF.Quad[]) => { const graph: Graph = new Map(); for (const quad of quads) { const s = quad.subject.value; const p = quad.predicate.value;
const predicateMap = graph.get(s) || graph.set(s, new Map()).get(s)!; const termArray = predicateMap.get(p) || predicateMap.set(p, []).get(p)!;
termArray.push(quad.object); } return graph;};
export declare namespace RDFJSON { type Term = { type: "uri" | "literal" | "bnode"; value: string; "xml:lang"?: string; datatype?: string; }; type Bindings = Record<string, Term>; type Triple = [Iri, Iri, Term]; type SparqlResultsJsonFormat = { head: { vars?: string[]; }; results?: { bindings: Bindings[]; }; boolean?: boolean; }; type RdfJsonFormat = Record<Iri, Record<Iri, Term[]>>; interface TermFactory { fromJson(jsonTerm: Term): RDF.Term; } interface BindingsFactory { fromJson(jsonBindings: Bindings): RDF.Bindings; } interface QuadFactory { fromJson(jsonRdf: Triple): RDF.Quad; }}
export class TermFactory implements RDFJSON.TermFactory { protected readonly dataFactory: RDF.DataFactory; constructor(dataFactory: RDF.DataFactory = new DataFactory()) { this.dataFactory = dataFactory; }
fromJson(jsonTerm: RDFJSON.Term) { if (jsonTerm.type === "uri") { return this.dataFactory.namedNode(jsonTerm.value); } if (jsonTerm.type === "bnode") { return this.dataFactory.blankNode(jsonTerm.value); } if ("xml:lang" in jsonTerm) { return this.dataFactory.literal(jsonTerm.value, jsonTerm["xml:lang"]); } if ("datatype" in jsonTerm) { return this.dataFactory.literal( jsonTerm.value, this.dataFactory.namedNode(jsonTerm.datatype!), ); } return this.dataFactory.literal(jsonTerm.value); }}
export class ReadOnlyBindings implements RDF.Bindings { public readonly type = "bindings";
protected readonly dataFactory: RDF.DataFactory; protected readonly entries: Map<RDF.Variable, RDF.Term>; protected readonly variables: Map<string, RDF.Variable>;
constructor( bindings: Map<RDF.Variable, RDF.Term>, dataFactory: RDF.DataFactory = new DataFactory(), ) { this.entries = bindings; this.dataFactory = dataFactory; this.variables = new Map(); for (const variable of bindings.keys()) { this.variables.set(variable.value, variable); } }
has(key: string | RDF.Variable) { const stringKey = typeof key === "string" ? key : key.value; const variableKey = this.variables.get(stringKey); return this.entries.has(variableKey!); }
get(key: string | RDF.Variable) { const stringKey = typeof key === "string" ? key : key.value; const variableKey = this.variables.get(stringKey); return this.entries.get(variableKey!); }
set(_key: string | RDF.Variable, _value: RDF.Term): RDF.Bindings { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }
delete(_key: string | RDF.Variable): RDF.Bindings { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }
keys() { return this.entries.keys(); }
values() { return this.entries.values(); }
forEach(fn: (value: RDF.Term, key: RDF.Variable) => unknown) { return this.entries.forEach(fn); }
get size() { return this.entries.size; }
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this.entries.entries(); }
equals(_other: RDF.Bindings | null | undefined): boolean { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }
filter(_fn: (value: RDF.Term, key: RDF.Variable) => boolean): RDF.Bindings { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }
map(_fn: (value: RDF.Term, key: RDF.Variable) => RDF.Term): RDF.Bindings { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }
merge(_other: RDF.Bindings): RDF.Bindings | undefined { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }
mergeWith( _merger: (self: RDF.Term, other: RDF.Term, key: RDF.Variable) => RDF.Term, _other: RDF.Bindings, ): RDF.Bindings { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); }}
export class BindingsFactory implements RDFJSON.BindingsFactory { protected readonly dataFactory: RDF.DataFactory; protected readonly termFactory: RDFJSON.TermFactory;
constructor( dataFactory: RDF.DataFactory = new DataFactory(), termFactory: RDFJSON.TermFactory = new TermFactory(dataFactory), ) { this.dataFactory = dataFactory; this.termFactory = termFactory; }
fromJson(jsonBindings: RDFJSON.Bindings) { const bindingsEntries = Object.entries(jsonBindings).map(( [varName, jsonTerm], ) => { return [ this.dataFactory.variable!(varName), this.termFactory.fromJson(jsonTerm), ] as [RDF.Variable, RDF.Term]; }); return new ReadOnlyBindings(new Map(bindingsEntries), this.dataFactory); }}
export class QuadFactory implements RDFJSON.QuadFactory { protected readonly dataFactory: RDF.DataFactory; protected readonly termFactory: RDFJSON.TermFactory; constructor( dataFactory: RDF.DataFactory = new DataFactory(), termFactory: RDFJSON.TermFactory = new TermFactory(dataFactory), ) { this.dataFactory = dataFactory; this.termFactory = termFactory; }
fromJson(jsonRdf: [Iri, Iri, RDFJSON.Term]) { const [s, p, o] = jsonRdf; return this.dataFactory.quad( this.dataFactory.namedNode(s), this.dataFactory.namedNode(p), this.termFactory.fromJson(o) as RDF.Quad_Object, ); }}