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import { cache, initSwc, parseSync, printSync, toFileUrl, transformSync, Visitor,} from "./deps.ts";import type { ParseOptions, Program } from "./deps.ts";import type { CompileOptions, CompilerOptions, Mode } from "../types.ts";
export class Compiler { #mode: Mode; #initialised = false;
readonly parserOptions: ParseOptions; readonly modules: Set<URL>; readonly scripts: Set<URL>; readonly visitors: Set<Visitor>;
constructor(options: CompilerOptions) { const { mode, parserOptions = { syntax: "typescript", tsx: true, dynamicImport: true, target: "es2021", }, } = options;
this.#mode = mode; this.parserOptions = parserOptions; this.modules = new Set(); this.scripts = new Set(); this.visitors = new Set(); }
async init(url: string | URL) { if (!this.#initialised) { const wasm = await cache(url); await initSwc(toFileUrl(wasm.path)); }
this.#initialised = true; }
get isDevelopment() { return this.#mode === "development"; }
addVisitor(visitor: Visitor): Compiler { this.visitors.add(visitor); return this; }
compile({ input, url }: CompileOptions) { const transformed = this.#transform(input, url); const ast = this.#parse(transformed); const transformedAst = this.#visit(ast);
if (transformedAst.type === "Module") { this.modules.add(url); } else if (transformedAst.type === "Script") { this.scripts.add(url); }
return this.#print(transformedAst); }
#transform(input: string, url: URL): string { const transformOptions = this.#getTransformOptions(this.isDevelopment); const transformed = transformSync(input, { filename: url.pathname, ...transformOptions, });
return transformed.code; }
#parse(input: string): Program { return parseSync(input, this.parserOptions) as Program; }
#visit(program: Program): Program { for (const visitor of this.visitors) { program = visitor.visitProgram(program); }
return program; }
#print(ast: Program): string { const { code } = printSync(ast, { minify: !this.isDevelopment, jsc: { minify: { compress: true, mangle: true, ecma: 2016, }, }, });
return code; }
#getTransformOptions(isDevelopment: boolean) { return { sourceMaps: false, jsc: { parser: this.parserOptions, transform: { react: { development: isDevelopment, runtime: "automatic", }, }, target: "es2021", }, }; }}